Histology and histopathology: Vol.15, nº 3 (2000) : [33]  Estadísticas

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Bcl2 expression in colorectal tumours. Correlation with p53 mdm2 Rb proteins and proliferation indices.pdf.jpg2000-Bcl-2 expression in colorectal tumours. Correlation with p53, mdm-2, Rb proteins and proliferation indices
Transient structures of the human fetal brain. Subplate thalamic reticular complex ganglionic eminence.pdf.jpg2000-Transient structures of the human fetal brain: Subplate, thalamic reticular complex, ganglionic eminence
Distribution of Tcell subsets and immunoglobulincontaining cells....pdf.jpg2000-Distribution of T-cell subsets and immunoglobulin-containing cells in nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) of chickens
Changes in the immunoreactivity of substance P and calcitonin....pdf.jpg2000-Changes in the immunoreactivity of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide in the laryngeal taste buds of chronically hypoxic rats
Ethylnitrosourea ENU  induced apoptosis in the rat fetal tissues.pdf.jpg2000-Ethylnitrosourea ENU - induced apoptosis in the rat fetal tissues
Microstructural analysis of bile relevance to cholesterol gallstone pathogenesis.pdf.jpg2000-Microstructural analysis of bile: relevance to cholesterol gallstone pathogenesis
Diabetic state affects the innervation of gut in an animal model of human type 1 diabetes.pdf.jpg2000-Diabetic state affects the innervation of gut in an animal model of human type 1 diabetes
lmmunohistochemical expression of Retinoblastoma gene....pdf.jpg2000-lmmunohistochemical expression of Retinoblastoma gene product (Rb), p53 protein, MDM2, c-erbB-2, HLA-DR and proliferation indices in human urinary bladder carcinoma
Metamorphosed fibroblasts and their relation to the histogenesis of malignant fibrous histiocytoma in experimental murine model.pdf.jpg2000-Metamorphosed fibroblasts and their relation to the histogenesis of malignant fibrous histiocytoma in experimental murine model
Skeletal muscle abnormalities associated with occupational exposure to mercury vapours.pdf.jpg2000-Skeletal muscle abnormalities associated with occupational exposure to mercury vapours
Neuropeptides bombesin and calcigonin induce resistance....pdf.jpg2000-Neuropeptides bombesin and calcigonin induce resistance to etoposide induced apoptosis in prostate cancer cell lines
Evaluation of the smooth muscle cell eomponent and apoptosis....pdf.jpg2000-Evaluation of the smooth muscle cell eomponent and apoptosis in the varicose vein wall
Current knowledge of dystrophin and dystrophinassociated proteins in the retina.pdf.jpg2000-Current knowledge of dystrophin and dystrophin-associated proteins in the retina
lmmunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies of choline acetyltransferase in large motor neurons of the human spinal cord.pdf.jpg2000-lmmunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies of choline acetyltransferase in large motor neurons of the human spinal cord
Toward a molecular classification of the gliomas, histopathology, molecular genetics, and gene ex.pdf.jpg2000-Toward a molecular classification of the gliomas: histopathology, molecular genetics, and gene expression profiling
Mast cell granule composition and tissue location - a close correlation.pdf.jpg2000-Mast cell granule composition and tissue location - a close correlation
The SH2 and SH3 adapter Nck, a two-gene family and a linker between tyrosine kinases and ....pdf.jpg2000-The SH2 and SH3 adapter Nck: a two-gene family and a linker between tyrosine kinases and multiple signaling networks
Recent studies on the biological action of parathyroid hormone PTH-related peptide PTHrP and PTH-.pdf.jpg2000-Recent studies on the biological action of parathyroid hormone {PTH)-related peptide (PTHrP) and PTH/PTHrP receptor in cartilage and bone
lmmunopathology of autoimmune gastritis. Lessons from mouse models.pdf.jpg2000-Immunopathology of autoimmune gastritis: Lessons from mouse models
Histopathology and molecular pathology of synovial B-lymphocytes in rheumatoid arthritis.pdf.jpg2000-Histopathology and molecular pathology of synovial B-lymphocytes in rheumatoid arthritis
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