Histology and histopathology: Vol.14, nº 1 (1999) : [33]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 33
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The use of the lectin Helixpomatia agglutinin HPA as a prognostic indicator and as a tool in cancer research.pdf.jpg1999-The use of the lectin Helixpomatia agglutinin (HPA) as a prognostic indicator and as a tool in cancer research
Proteinaseantiproteinase imbalance in the pathogenesis of Emphysema. The role of metalloproteinases in lung damage.pdf.jpg1999-Proteinase-antiproteinase imbalance in the pathogenesis of Emphysema: The role of metalloproteinases in lung damage
Antigen retrieval on epoxy sections based on tissue infiltration with a moderately increased amount of accelerator to detect immune complex.pdf.jpg1999-Antigen retrieval on epoxy sections based on tissue infiltration with a moderately increased amount of accelerator to detect immune complex deposits in glomerular tissue
Etoposide sensitivity of human prostatic cancer cell lines PC3 DU 145 and LNCaP.pdf.jpg1999-Etoposide sensitivity of human prostatic cancer cell lines PC-3, DU 145 and LNCaP
Radial glia and cell debris removal during lesionregeneration of the lizard medial cortex.pdf.jpg1999-Radial glia and cell debris removal during lesion-regeneration of the lizard medial cortex
Selective nuclear morphometry as a prognostic factor of survival in renal cell carcinoma.pdf.jpg1999-Selective nuclear morphometry as a prognostic factor of survival in renal cell carcinoma
Bcl2 protein expression and gut neurohormonal polypeptidelamine production in colorectal carcinomas and tumorneighboring mucosa....pdf.jpg1999-Bcl-2 protein expression and gut neurohormonal polypeptidelamine production in colorectal carcinomas and tumor-neighboring mucosa, which closely correlate to the occurrence of tumor
Clinical applications of detecting dysfunctional p53 tumor suppressor protein.pdf.jpg1999-Clinical applications of detecting dysfunctional p53 tumor suppressor protein
New insights into the function of noncoding RNA and its potential role in disease pathogenesis.pdf.jpg1999-New insights into the function of noncoding RNA and its potential role in disease pathogenesis
Cytokines and pulmonary inflammatory and immune diseases.pdf.jpg1999-Cytokines and pulmonary inflammatory and immune diseases
Lectinhistochemistry and ultrastructure of microglial response to monosodium glutamatemediated neurotoxicity in the arcuate nucleus.pdf.jpg1999-Lectinhistochemistry and ultrastructure of microglial response to monosodium glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity in the arcuate nucleus
Nitric oxide synthase in skeletal muscle fibers a signaling component of the dystrophinglycoprotein complex.pdf.jpg1999-Nitric oxide synthase in skeletal muscle fibers, a signaling component of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex
lmmunohistochemical demonstration of metallothionein in benign and malignant canine mammary tumours.pdf.jpg1999-lmmunohistochemical demonstration of metallothionein in benign and malignant canine mammary tumours
Effect of hypertension and captopril treatment on the vasopressin in the rat median eminence and posterior lobe of the hypophysis.pdf.jpg1999-Effect of hypertension and captopril treatment on the vasopressin in the rat median eminence and posterior lobe of the hypophysis. An immunohistochemical study
Thrombospondin1 PECAM1 and regulation of angiogenesis.pdf.jpg1999-Thrombospondin-1, PECAM-1, and regulation of angiogenesis
Development of immune complex trapping experimental study of lymphoid follicles and germinal centers newly induced by exogenous stimulants.pdf.jpg1999-Development of immune complex trapping: experimental study of lymphoid follicles and germinal centers newly induced by exogenous stimulants in mouse popliteal lymph nodes
Intracellular cholesterol trafficking.pdf.jpg1999-Intracellular cholesterol trafficking
Systematic review and metaanalysis in anatomic pathology the value of nuclear DNA content in predicting progression in low grade CIN.pdf.jpg1999-Systematic review and meta-analysis in anatomic pathology: the value of nuclear DNA content in predicting progression in low grade CIN, the significance of the histological subtype on prognosis in cervical carcinoma
Development of follicular dendritic cells. A study using shortterm bone marrow cell grafting in SCID mice.pdf.jpg1999-Development of follicular dendritic cells: A study using short-term bone marrow cell grafting in SCID mice
Epigenetic modulation of differentiation in CE44 teratocarcinoma.pdf.jpg1999-Epigenetic modulation of differentiation in CE44 teratocarcinoma
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