Histology and histopathology: Vol.12, nº 3 (1997) : [32]  Estadísticas

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Constitutive and regulated expression of vitronectin.pdf.jpg1997-Constitutive and regulated expression of vitronectin
Determinants of axonal regeneration.pdf.jpg1997-Determinants of axonal regeneration
Gastric oxyntic cell structure as related to secretory activity.pdf.jpg1997-Gastric oxyntic cell structure as related to secretory activity
Vitamin E prevents neutrophil accumulation and attenuates tissue damage in ischemicreperfused human skeletal muscle.pdf.jpg1997-Vitamin E prevents neutrophil accumulation and attenuates tissue damage in ischemic-reperfused human skeletal muscle
Developmental anatomy of the primary olfactory pathway in the opossum Monodelphis domestica.pdf.jpg1997-Developmental anatomy of the primary olfactory pathway in the opossum Monodelphis domestica
Detection of glycoconjugates in the ductus epididymis of the prepubertal and adult horse by lectin histochemistry.pdf.jpg1997-Detection of glycoconjugates in the ductus epididymis of the prepubertal and adult horse by lectin histochemistry
p53 mutation and protein alteration in 50 gliomas. Retrospective study by DNAsequencing techniques and immunohistochemistry.pdf.jpg1997-p53 mutation and protein alteration in 50 gliomas. Retrospective study by DNA-sequencing techniques and immunohistochemistry
The behavior of different types of polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE prostheses in the reparative scarring process of abdominal wall defects.pdf.jpg1997-The behavior of different types of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) prostheses in the reparative scarring process of abdominal wall defects
On the mechanism of the transport through Golgi apparatus.pdf.jpg1997-On the mechanism of the transport through Golgi apparatus
lmmunocytochemical localization of the vacuolar HATPase pump in the kidney.pdf.jpg1997-lmmunocytochemical localization of the vacuolar H+-ATPase pump in the kidney
Luteinizing hormone on Leydig cell structure and function.pdf.jpg1997-Luteinizing hormone on Leydig cell structure and function
Postnatal morphologic changes and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in the anteroventral cochlear.pdf.jpg1997-Postnatal morphologic changes and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus of the acoustically-deprived gerbil
DNA extraction from paraff inem bedded tissues using a saltingout procedure a reliable method for PCR amplification of archiva1 material.pdf.jpg1997-DNA extraction from paraff in-em bedded tissues using a salting-out procedure, a reliable method for PCR amplification of archiva1 material
Effects of shortterm treatment with CaCI2 or EDTA on the parathyroid glands in pregnant golden hamsters.pdf.jpg1997-Effects of short-term treatment with CaCI2 or EDTA on the parathyroid glands in pregnant golden hamsters, with special reference to large vacuolar bodies
Mitosis in the human embryo the vital role of the sperm centrosome centriole.pdf.jpg1997-Mitosis in the human embryo, the vital role of the sperm centrosome (centriole)
The role of carbohydrate residues in mammalian fertilization.pdf.jpg1997-The role of carbohydrate residues in mammalian fertilization
Microglia and prion disease a review.pdf.jpg1997-Microglia and prion disease, a review
Apoptosis in dopaminergic neurons of the human substantia nigra during normal aging.pdf.jpg1997-Apoptosis in dopaminergic neurons of the human substantia nigra during normal aging
Chronic inhibition of NO synthesis produces myocardial fibrosis and arterial media hyperplasia.pdf.jpg1997-Chronic inhibition of NO synthesis produces myocardial fibrosis and arterial media hyperplasia
The value of proliferating cell nuclear antigen PCNAcyclin in the assessment of cell proliferation in glomerulonephritis.pdf.jpg1997-The value of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-cyclin in the assessment of cell proliferation in glomerulonephritis
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