Histology and histopathology: Vol. 7, nº 3 (1992) : [25]  Estadísticas

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Retinal pigment epithelial fine structure in the redbacked salamander Plethodon cinereus.pdf.jpg1992-Retinal pigment epithelial fine structure in the red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus)
Rapid induction of atherosclerosis in rabbits.pdf.jpg1992-Rapid induction of atherosclerosis in rabbits
In vitro analysis of the cellular resistance to chemotherapeutic BCNU.pdf.jpg1992-In vitro analysis of the cellular resistance to chemotherapeutic BCNU
Monoclonal antibody against histiocytosis X cells.pdf.jpg1992-Monoclonal antibody against histiocytosis X cells
Expression of HBsAg and HBsAg in liver tissue correlation with disease activity.pdf.jpg1992-Expression of HBsAg and HBsAg in liver tissue, correlation with disease activity
Hematoencephalic barrier. Ultrastructure and histophysiology of the endothelium capillary of the neuronal nuclei of the mesencephalon.pdf.jpg1992-Hematoencephalic barrier. Ultrastructure and histophysiology of the endothelium capillary of the neuronal nuclei of the mesencephalon
Transforming growth factor a expression in rat experimental hepatocarcinogenesis.pdf.jpg1992-Transforming growth factor -a expression in rat experimental hepatocarcinogenesis
Morphometric study on the interhemispheric asymmetries in the wistar rat and the effects of experience.pdf.jpg1992-Morphometric study on the interhemispheric asymmetries in the wistar rat and the effects of experience
Studies on the interaction between titin and myosin.pdf.jpg1992-Studies on the interaction between titin and myosin
Histopathology of the pituitary gland in neonatal little lit mutant mice.pdf.jpg1992-Histopathology of the pituitary gland in neonatal little (lit) mutant mice
The toxic effects of bis tributyltin oxide on the rat thoracic aorta.pdf.jpg1992-The toxic effects of bis (tributyltin) oxide on the rat thoracic aorta
Presence of melanin in normal human Schwann cells.pdf.jpg1992-Presence of melanin in normal human Schwann cells
Agerelated morphometric changes occurring in the somata of astrocytes of the granular layer of rat neocerebellar cortex Crus I and Crus II.pdf.jpg1992-Age-related morphometric changes occurring in the somata of astrocytes of the granular layer of rat neocerebellar cortex (Crus I and Crus II)
Scanning electron microscopic and light microscopic observations on morphological changes of freezedried bone implantation in rats.pdf.jpg1992-Scanning electron microscopic and light microscopic observations on morphological changes of freeze-dried bone implantation in rats
Retinal photoreceptor fine structure in the redbacked salamander Plethodon cinereus.pdf.jpg1992-Retinal photoreceptor fine structure in the red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus)
Structural and ultrastructural modifications of adenohypophyseal gonadotropic cells in goat Capra hircus.pdf.jpg1992-Structural and ultrastructural modifications of adenohypophyseal gonadotropic cells in goat (Capra hircus)
The phylogenetic odyssey of the erythrocyte. III. Fish the lower vertebrate experience.pdf.jpg1992-The phylogenetic odyssey of the erythrocyte. III. Fish, the lower vertebrate experience
Carbohydrate cytochemistry of bonnet monkey Macaca radiaca nasal epithelium. Response to ambient levels of ozone.pdf.jpg1992-Carbohydrate cytochemistry of bonnet monkey (Macaca radiaca) nasal epithelium. Response to ambient levels of ozone
Bronchialassociated lymphoid tissue BALT response to airway challenge with cigarette smokebovine antigen and antipulmonary serum.pdf.jpg1992-Bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) response to airway challenge with cigarette smoke,bovine antigen and anti-pulmonary serum
Chromaffinity uranaffinity and argentaffinity of small granulecontaining SGC cells in rat superior cervical ganglia.pdf.jpg1992-Chromaffinity, uranaffinity and argentaffinity of small granule-containing (SGC) cells in rat superior cervical ganglia
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