Histology and histopathology: Vol. 6, nº 4 (1991) : [20]  Estadísticas

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The modifications produced in allergic alveolitis and in goodpastures syndrome due to exposure to cigarette smoke.pdf.jpg1991-The modifications produced in allergic alveolitis and in goodpasture's syndrome due to exposure to cigarette smoke
Identification of sensory neurons supplying receptors in lingual muscles of the rat histochemical and retrograde labeling study with ....pdf.jpg1991-Identification of sensory neurons supplying receptors in lingual muscles of the rat: histochemical and retrograde labeling study with horseradish peroxidase
Morphological and histochemical pattern of responsein rat testes after administratnzoion of 2378tetrachlorodibe pdioxin TCDD.pdf.jpg1991-Morphological and histochemical pattern of responsein rat testes after administratnzo-ion of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibe p-dioxin ,TCDD,
Argyrophilia in ovarian serous tumors. A comparative study in 127 epithelial ovarian tumors.pdf.jpg1991-Argyrophilia in ovarian serous tumors. A comparative study in 127 epithelial ovarian tumors
The glomerular peripolar cell a review.pdf.jpg1991-The glomerular peripolar cell: a review
Sexrelated differences in the nuclear population of postpubertal rat pineal gland. A quantitative study.pdf.jpg1991-Sex-related differences in the nuclear population of postpubertal rat pineal gland. A quantitative study
lmmunocytochemical study of the epithelial lining of naturally occurring cysts in the rat intermediate lobe.pdf.jpg1991-lmmunocytochemical study of the epithelial lining of naturally occurring cysts in the rat intermediate lobe
Evaluation of nucleolar organizer regionassociated proteins in endornetrial pathology.pdf.jpg1991-Evaluation of nucleolar organizer region-associated proteins in endornetrial pathology
Varix of the heart causing outflow tract obstruction.pdf.jpg1991-Varix of the heart causing outflow tract obstruction
Benign multicystic mesothelial proliferation of the peritoneum. lmmunohistochemical and electron microscopical study of a case and ....pdf.jpg1991-Benign multicystic mesothelial proliferation of the peritoneum. lmmunohistochemical and electron microscopical study of a case and review of the literature
The distribution of peptidecontaining nerves in the synovia of the cat knee joint.pdf.jpg1991-The distribution of peptide-containing nerves in the synovia of the cat knee joint
Electron microscopic study of the occlusible tapetum lucidum of the southern fiddler ray. Trygonorhina fasciata.pdf.jpg1991-Electron microscopic study of the occlusible tapetum lucidum of the southern fiddler ray (Trygonorhina fasciata)
Warthins tumor as a hamartomatous dysplastic lesion a histochemical and immunohistochemical study.pdf.jpg1991-Warthin's tumor as a hamartomatous dysplastic lesion: a histochemical and immunohistochemical study
Ultrastructural study on the effects of hypophysectomy on the golden hamster parathyroid gland.pdf.jpg1991-Ultrastructural study on the effects of hypophysectomy on the golden hamster parathyroid gland
Morphogenesis and ultrastructure of the peripolar cells in the mouse kidney.pdf.jpg1991-Morphogenesis and ultrastructure of the peripolar cells in the mouse kidney
Chronic gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori. Correlation between histological and bacteriological findings.pdf.jpg1991-Chronic gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori. Correlation between histological and bacteriological findings
A rapid intraoperative estimation of the proliferative activity in brain tumors.pdf.jpg1991-A rapid intraoperative estimation of the proliferative activity in brain tumors
1991-Alteration of primate ovary surface epithelium by exposure to hexachlorobenzene: A quantitative study
Ultrastructural study of the neuroglial and macrophagic reaction in Wallerian degeneration of the adult rat optic nerve.pdf.jpg1991-Ultrastructural study of the neuroglial and macrophagic reaction in Wallerian degeneration of the adult rat optic nerve
lmmunohistological signposts in central nervous system tumours with neuronal differentiation.pdf.jpg1991-lmmunohistological signposts in central nervous system tumours with neuronal differentiation
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