Histology and histopathology: Vol. 3, nº 1 (1988) : [12]  Estadísticas

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Distribution of ferric iron in larval lampreys Petromyzon marinus L.pdf.jpg1988-Distribution of ferric iron in larval lampreys, Petromyzon marinus L
A light and electron microscopic study of the preoptic nucleus of the grass frog. Rana pipiens under normal conditions and following transection of....pdf.jpg1988-A light and electron microscopic study of the preoptic nucleus of the grass frog. Rana pipiens, under normal conditions and following transection of the preoptico-neurohypophysial tract
Ultrastructural computerized morphometry of platelets in chronic myelogenous leukemia making use of ....pdf.jpg1988-Ultrastructural computerized morphometry of platelets in chronic myelogenous leukemia making use of ultra-thin sections and freeze-fracture procedure a preliminary approach
lmmunophenotypic characterization of primary and secondary lymphoid follicles.pdf.jpg1988-lmmunophenotypic characterization of primary and secondary lymphoid follicles
lmmunohistochemical study of Warthins tumour with special regard to the germinal centre.pdf.jpg1988-lmmunohistochemical study of Warthin's tumour with special regard to the germinal centre
Effects of orthodontic tooth movement on the alcian blue staining patterns of rat alveolar bonean histochemical study.pdf.jpg1988-Effects of orthodontic tooth movement on the alcian blue staining patterns of rat alveolar bone,an histochemical study
Neuron specific enolasepositive breast carcinomas.pdf.jpg1988-Neuron specific enolase-positive breast carcinomas
Ultrastructural pathologic changes of rat extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells exposed to teratogenic antibodies in vivo.pdf.jpg1988-Ultrastructural pathologic changes of rat extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells exposed to teratogenic antibodies in vivo
Retinal epithelial fine structure in the vervet monkey. Cercopithecus aethiops..pdf.jpg1988-Retinal epithelial fine structure in the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops)
Squamous and glandular differentiation in urothelial bladder carcinomas. Histopathology histochemistry and immunohistochemical....pdf.jpg1988-Squamous and glandular differentiation in urothelial bladder carcinomas. Histopathology, histochemistry and immunohistochemical expression of carcinoembryonic antigen
Hepatitis B core and surface antigens and delta agent in chronic liver disease in Kuwait.pdf.jpg1988-Hepatitis B core and surface antigens and delta agent in chronic liver disease in Kuwait
lmmunocytochemical localization of parathyroid hormone in rabbit parathyroid glands.pdf.jpg1988-lmmunocytochemical localization of parathyroid hormone in rabbit parathyroid glands
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