Medicina y Cirugía Animal: Artículos: Medicina y Cirugía Animal : [85]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 85
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s41598-024-67229-w.pdf.jpg13-jul-2024-Cryogenic electron microscopy reveals morphologically distinct subtypes of extracellular vesicles among porcine ejaculate fractions
ijms-25-07492-v2.pdf.jpg8-jul-2024-Small and large extracellular vesicles of porcine seminal plasma differ in lipid profile
Artic elemntos traza saliva EGUS DEF 2024.pdf.jpg7-jun-2024-Measurement of Trace Elements (Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, and Iron) in the Saliva of Horses: Validation Data and Changes in Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS)
1-s2.0-S0378432024000678-main.pdf.jpg18-abr-2024-Reproductive physiology of the boar: what defines the potential fertility of an ejaculate?
Artic Automated Spectrometry EGUS horses Metabolites 2024.pdf.jpg28-feb-2024-Automated Spectrophotometric Assays for the Measurement of Ammonia and Bicarbonate in Saliva of Horses: Analytical Validation and Changes in Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS)
1-s2.0-S0093691X2400092X-main.pdf.jpg26-feb-2024-Seminal extracellular vesicles alter porcine in vitro fertilization outcome by modulating sperm metabolism
EGUSLASTVERSIONRevProteomes GEL PROTEOMICS.pdf.jpgfeb-2024-Changes in the saliva proteome analysed by gel-proteomics in horses diagnosed with Equine gastric ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) at diagnosis and after successful treatment
s12964-024-01485-1 (2).pdf.jpg23-ene-2024-Immunophenotype profile by flow cytometry reveals different subtypes of extracellular vesicles in porcine seminal plasma
s40104-023-00938-w.pdf.jpg6-nov-2023-Chromatin condensation but not DNA integrity of pig sperm is greater in the sperm-rich fraction
23 Tesis Oscar Final publicado.pdf.jpg1-sep-2023-Comparative Study of Inhaled Fluticasone Versus Oral Prednisone in 30 Dogs with Cough and Tracheal Collapse
Manuscript_RSVC_R1_Unmarked.pdf.jpg29-may-2023-Survey research on reverse sneezing in 779 dogs in Southeast of Spain: Prevalence and possible related factors
vetrec-2022-106986.R2_Proof_hi-3-25.pdf.jpg20-may-2023-Evaluation of heart fatty acid-binding protein as a biomarker for canine leishmaniosis
Pdfpublica..e.pdf.jpgabr-2023-Tumores hematopoyéticos en el perro: a propósito de 3 casos clínicos
PIIS1535947623000233.pdf.jpgabr-2023-The Proteome of Large or Small Extracellular Vesicles in Pig Seminal Plasma Differs, Defining Sources and Biological Functions
ijms-24-04818.pdf.jpg2-mar-2023-Seminal extracellular vesicles and their involvement in male (In)fertility: a systematic review
fvets-10-1102049.pdf.jpg10-feb-2023-Extracellular vesicles would be involved in the release and delivery of seminal TGF-β isoforms in pigs
Is adenosine deaminase .pdf.jpg2023-Is adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity in saliva and serum a more accurate disease detection tool than traditional redox balance parameters in early-lactating dairy cows?
Influence of the circadian cycle, sex.pdf.jpg2023-Influence of the circadian cycle, sex and production stage on the reference values of parameters related to stress and pathology in porcine saliva
vetsci-09-00665.pdf.jpg29-nov-2022-Reverse Sneezing in Dogs: Observational Study in 30 Cases
Artic Perfil salival cab ulcer gastr 2022 Animals-12-03261-v2.pdf.jpg23-nov-2022-Evaluation of a Comprehensive Profile of Salivary Analytes for the Diagnosis of the Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome
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