Ecología e Hidrología: Artículos: Ecología e Hidrología : [52]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 21 a 40 de 52
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Diaz et al-2018.pdf.jpg20182018Exploring the complex relations between water resources and social indicators: The Biobío Basin (Chile)
T2_P5.pdf.jpg2018-Insect communities in saline waters consist of realized but not fundamental niche specialists
J242018Dom..R.pdf.jpg2018-Long Term Hydrodynamic Effects in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Multilayer Aquifer: Campo de Cartagena in South-Eastern Spain
T2_P3.pdf.jpg2017-Effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network in protecting Iberian endemic fauna
Suarez et al-Aquat-Sci-R3.pdf.jpg2017-Functional response of aquatic invertebrate communities along two natural stress gradients (water salinity and flow intermittence) in Mediterranean streams.
T2_P4.pdf.jpg2017-Matches and mismatches between conservation investments and biodiversity values in the European Union
T2_P2.pdf.jpg5-jun-2016-Functional redundancy as a tool for bioassessment: A test using riparian vegetation
Vidal_Abarca et al_Ecol_Complex.pdf.jpg2016-Exploring the Capacity of Water Framework Directive Indices to Assess Ecosystem Services in Fluvial and Riparian Systems: Towards a Second Implementation Phase.
Spatio-temporal(versión aceptada).pdf.jpg2016-Spatio-temporal variations in mortality causes of two migratory forest raptors in Spain
T2_P1.pdf.jpg21-feb-2015-Using null models to identify under-represented species in protected areas: A case study using European amphibians and reptiles
Can the European abalone Haliotis.pdf.jpg2015-Can the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata survive on an invasive algae? A comparison of the nutritional value of the introduced Grateloupia turuturu and the native Palmaria palmata, for the commercial European abalone industry
Millnetal2..a.pdf.jpg15-ene-2013-Efectividad de la Red de Parques Nacionales Ibérica en la protección de la biodiversidad acuática.
Carbonelle..s.pdf.jpg14-ene-2013-Distribución de Tricochorixa verticalis verticalis (Fieber 1851) (Heteroptera: Corixidae) a nivel mundial y su expansion en la Península Ibérica.
Guareschie..v.pdf.jpg14-ene-2013-Predicting the worldwide potential distribution of the boatman Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis (Fieber, 1851) (Heteroptera; Fam: Corixidae).
Vidal-Abarca&Suarez_2013.pdf.jpg2013-Which are, what is their status and what can we expect from ecosystem services provided by Spanish rivers and riparian areas?
T1_P5.pdf.jpg2013-Do protected areas represent species’ optimal climatic conditions? A test using Iberian water beetles
T1_P3.pdf.jpg2012-Habitat type mediates equilibrium with climatic conditions in the distribution of Iberian diving beetles
T1_P4.pdf.jpg2012-Evaluating drivers of vulnerability to climate change: a guide for insect conservation strategies
Sanz-Lazaro, C. Martín A. Diversity Review.pdf.jpg2011-Diversity patterns of benthic macrofauna caused by marine fish farming
Gomez et al.-2004.pdf.jpg27-jul-20102004Estudio de las alteraciones hidrológicas y dinámica de nutrientes en el paisaje protegido del Humedal de Ajauque (Murcia)
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 21 a 40 de 52