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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Sensing and characterization of neurotransmitter 2-phenylethylamine based on facilitated ion transfer at solvent polymeric membranes using different electrochemical tec.pdf.jpg20162015Sensing and characterization of neurotransmitter 2-phenylethylamine based on facilitated ion transfer at solvent polymeric membranes using different electrochemical techniques
Application of voltammetric techniques at microelectrodes to the study of the chemical stability of highly reactive species.pdf.jpg31-dic-20142014Application of voltammetric techniques at microelectrodes to the study of the chemical stability of highly reactive species
JAFC 2019.pdf.jpg16-may-2019-Microwave assisted cloud point extraction for the determination of vitamin K homologues in vegetables by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry
Talanta.pdf.jpg5-jul-2019-Untargeted headspace gas chromatography – Ion mobility spectrometry analysis for detection of adulterated honey
JChromA-2007-Postprint.pdf.jpg21-sep-2007-Comparison of two derivatizing agents for the simultaneous determination of selenite and organoselenium species by gas chromatography and atomic emission detection after preconcentration using solid-phase microextraction
Scientific reports chromium.pdf.jpg24-mar-2020-Speciation of chromium in waters using dispersive micro-solid phase extraction with magnetic ferrite and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
Talanta_2019.pdf.jpg15-may-2019-Use of whole electrophoretic profile and chemometric tools for the differentiation of three olive oil qualities
NPs_Talanta.pdf.jpgjul-2018-Determination of nitrophenols in environmental samples using stir bar sorptive extraction coupled to thermal desorption gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Food_chemistry_2019.pdf.jpg15-ago-2019-Head-space gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for the assessment of the contamination of mayonnaise by yeasts
Microchemical2019.pdf.jpgmar-2019-Headspace sorptive extraction coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in finger paints