Histology and histopathology: Vol.33, nº2 (2018) : [10]  Estadísticas

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Costa-33-121-132-2018.pdf.jpg2018-In vitro differentiation of primordial germ cells and oocyte-like cells from stem cells
Ortiz-Delgado-33-157-169-2018.pdf.jpg2018-Toxicity of malathion at early life stages of the Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis (Kaup, 1858): notochord and somatic disruptions
Cao-33-117-120-2018.pdf.jpg2018-MicroRNAs regulate APOBEC gene expression
Choi-33-133-145-2018.pdf.jpg2018-The role of tumor-associated macrophage in breast cancer biology
Jaimes-Parra-33-147-156-2018.pdf.jpg2018-Membranes derived from human umbilical cord Wharton's jelly stem cells as novel bioengineered tissue-like constructs
Honjo-33-201-213-2018.pdf.jpg2018-Immunohistochemical expression profiles of mucin antigens in salivary gland mucoepidermoid carcinoma: MUC4- and MUC6-negative expression predicts a shortened survival in the early postoperative phase
Artym-33-223-236-2018.pdf.jpg2018-Topically applied azaphenothiazines inhibit contact sensitivity to oxazolone in mice
Umahara-33-215-222-2018.pdf.jpg2018-Time-dependent and lesion-dependent HMGB1-selective localization in brains of patients with cerebrovascular diseases
Cieplinski-33-171-179-2018.pdf.jpg2018-Expression of p53 and selected proliferative markers (Ki-67, MCM3, PCNA, and topoisomerase IIα) in borderline ovarian tumors: Correlation with clinicopathological features
Orlich-33-181-199-2018.pdf.jpg2018-A qualitative comparison of ten tissue clearing techniques
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