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W. B. Stanford, El tema de Ulises, edicion de Alfonso Silvan, traduccion de B. Afton Beattie y Alfonso Silvan, Clasicos Dykinson, Madrid 201....pdf.jpg9-feb-2016-W. B. Stanford, El tema de Ulises, edición de Alfonso Silván, traducción de B. Afton Beattie y Alfonso Silván, Clásicos Dykinson, Madrid 2013
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slu532.jpg.jpg25-abr-201225-abr-2012Walter Benjamin: del Ángel de la Victoria al Ángel de la Historia". José Mª González García (Profesor de investigación IFS-CSIC). alón de Grados Eduardo Bello Reguera, Edificio Luis Vives
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Ward, Aengus  History an Chronicle in Late Medieval Iberia.pdf.jpg2012-Ward, Aengus: History an Chronicle in Late Medieval Iberia. Representations of Wamba in Late Medieval Narrative Histories. Brill, Leiden, 2011, ISBN: 9789004202726.
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AB25 (2003) p 3-11.pdf.jpg2003-Water quality affects the condition of Barbus sclateri Günther, 1868 (Pisces, Cyprinidae) in semi-arid reservoirs from the Iberian Peninsula
08-WATER.pdf.jpg2004-Water quality for supplementary irrigation in the Quequén Salado River Basin (Argentina)