Buscar por Materia Regeneration

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AB8 (1986) p 27-31.pdf.jpg1986-Desarrollo de la vegetación y periodicidad de incendios forestales
Muscle regeneration induced by snake venom. A histological and histochemical study.pdf.jpg1989-Muscle regeneration induced by snake venom. A histological and histochemical study
Effect of heparin and antivenom on skeletal muscle damage produced by Bothrops.pdf.jpg2002-Effect of heparin and antivenom on skeletal muscle damage produced by Bothrops jararacussu venom
Differential expression of calretinin in the.pdf.jpg2004-Differential expression of calretinin in the developing and regenerating zebrafish visual system
The onset and duration of mobilization affect the regeneration in the rat muscle.pdf.jpg2008-The onset and duration of mobilization affect the regeneration in the rat muscle
Metallic gold treatment reduces proliferation of inflammatory cells.pdf.jpg2009-Metallic gold treatment reduces proliferation of inflammatory cells, increases expression of VEGF and FGF, and stimulates cell proliferation in the subventricular zone following experimental traumatic brain injury
Yu-30-737-749-2015.pdf.jpg2015-Beneficial effects of cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2R) in injured skeletal muscle post-contusion
Chiarella-Redfern-30-141-149-2015.pdf.jpg2015-Spatio-temporal expression patterns of microRNAs in remodelling and repair of the infarcted heart
Lei-32-1099-1113-2017.pdf.jpg2017-Evolutionary trade-offs in kidney injury and repair
Gu-33-639-653-2018.pdf.jpg2018-Adipose-derived stem cells in articular cartilage regeneration: current concepts and optimization strategies
nºespecial-5-del-Estado-colonial.pdf.jpg2019-Del Estado colonial al Estado nacional: la Regeneración en la Colombia del siglo XIX y la cuestión de la colonialidad.
Alibardi-34-1111-1120-2019.pdf.jpg2019-Stimulation of regenerative blastema formation in lizards as a model to analyze limb regeneration in amniotes
J Clinic Periodontology - 2019 - Moreno Rodríguez - Supra‐alveolar attachment gain in the treatment of combined.pdf.jpg22-jul-2019-Supra-alveolar attachment gain in the treatment of combined intra-suprabony periodontal defects by non-incised papillae surgical approach
Filippi-35-331-350-2020.pdf.jpg2020-Use of nanoparticles in skeletal tissue regeneration and engineering
ijerph-18-02465.pdf.jpg3-mar-2021-Non-Incised papilla surgical approach and leukocyte platelet-rich fibrin in periodontal reconstruction of deep Intrabony defects: a case series
jced-13-e769.pdf.jpg1-ago-2021-Papilla preservation periodontal surgery in periodontal reconstruction for deep combined intra-suprabony defects. Retrospective analysis of a registry-based cohort
Iyer-38-607-621-2023.pdf.jpg2023-Salivary gland bioengineering - yesterday, today, tomorrow!