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1-s2.0-S0167739X17320083-main.pdf.jpgjun-2020-Practical passive localization system based on wireless signals for fast deployment of occupancy services
fgcs-paper.pdf.jpg1-jun-2020-Practical passive localization system based on wireless signals for fast deployment of occupancy services
_Preprint__SafeMan__A_Unified_Framework_to_Manage_Cybersecurity_and_Safety_in_Manufacturing_Industry.pdf.jpg6-ago-2020-SafeMan: a unified framework to manage cybersecurity and safety in manufacturing industry
466251-Texto del artículo-1670121-1-10-20210528.pdf.jpg2021-Machine Learning para la mejora de la experiencia con MOOC : el caso de la Universitat Politècnica de València
P02-FGCS_accepted manuscript-digitum.pdf.jpgfeb-2021-A novel Machine Learning-based approach for the detection of SSH botnet infection
401331-Texto del artículo-1795321-1-10-20211229.pdf.jpg2022-A data Science approach to cost estimation decision making - Big Data and Machine Learning
Jagomast-37-527-541-2022.pdf.jpg2022-Comparison of manual and automated digital image analysis systems for quantification of cellular protein expression
_Springer_FARMIT__Continuous_Assessment_of_Crop_Quality_Using_Machine_Learning_and_Deep_Learning_Techniques_for_IoT_based_Smart_Farming.pdf.jpg31-mar-2022-FARMIT: Continuous Assessment of Crop Quality Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for IoT-based Smart Farming
Multivaria..s.pdf.jpg8-jun-2022-Multivariate feature ranking with high-dimensional data for classification tasks
530591-Texto del artículo-2001841-1-10-20221214.pdf.jpg2023-Predictores del estado post-ictus en el alta hospitalaria. Importancia en enfermería
05_Inteligencia Artificial y Machine Learning como recurso educativo.pdf.jpg2023-Inteligencia Artificial y Machine Learning como recurso educativo desde la perspectiva de docentes en distintas etapas educativas no universitarias
1-s2.0-S2210537922001731-main.pdf.jpg5-ene-2023-SUSAN: a deep learning based anomaly detection framework for sustainable industry
s12903-023-03112-w.pdf.jpg20-jun-2023-ORIENTATE: automated machine learning classifiers for oral health prediction and research
2023 Fusion Eng and Design.pdf.jpg26-oct-2023-A programmable web platform for distributed access, analysis, and visualization of data
1-beh-main.pdf.jpgdic-2023-Behavioral fingerprinting to detect ransomware in resource-constrained devices
Alonso-Sarria_etal_ComGeos.pdf.jpg5-abr-2024-Analysis of the hyperparameter optimisation of four machine learning satellite imagery classification methods