Buscar por Materia Ultrastructure

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Hyperthermia triggers apoptosis and affects.pdf.jpg2003-Hyperthermia triggers apoptosis and affects cell adhesiveness in human neuroblastoma cells
Ultrastructural changes in bones.pdf.jpg2004-Ultrastructural changes in bones of the senescence-accelerated mouse (SAMP6): a murine model for senile osteoporosis
Human saphenous vein and coronary.pdf.jpg2004-Human saphenous vein and coronary bypass surgery: ultrastructural aspects of conventional and “no-touch” vein graft preparations
Morphological aspects of potassium flow in.pdf.jpg2005-Morphological aspects of potassium flow in the semicircular canal ampulla of the pigeon
Histology and ultrastructure of the pineal organ in the domestic goose.pdf.jpg2006-Histology and ultrastructure of the pineal organ in the domestic goose
1-s2.0-S0041010106004454-main.pdf.jpg2-dic-2006-Effects of living cyanobacteria, cyanobacterial extracts and pure microcystins on growth and ultrastructure of microalgae and bacteria
Changes in the brain cortex of rabbits on a cholesterolrich diet following supplementation.pdf.jpg2009-Changes in the brain cortex of rabbits on a cholesterol-rich diet following supplementation with a herbal extract of Tribulus terrestris
Tracing the accumulation and effects of mercury uptake in the previtellogenic ovary of crucian carp.pdf.jpg2009-Tracing the accumulation and effects of mercury uptake in the previtellogenic ovary of crucian carp Carassius auratus gibelio by autometallography and caspase-3 immunohistochemistry
Comparison of ultrastructure and lectin histochemistry on the anterior medial gland of nasal septum in rat and gerbi.pdf.jpg2010-Comparison of ultrastructure and lectin histochemistry on the anterior medial gland of nasal septum in rat and gerbil
van-der-Vusse-31-51-62-2016.pdf.jpg2016-Dimensions of compartments and membrane surfaces in the intact rabbit heart of importance in studies on intramyocardial transfer of blood-borne substances
Trovato-31-1079-1087-2016.pdf.jpg2016-Immunoreactions for P53 isoforms are associated with ultrastructural proliferative profiles in benign thyroid nodules
Amer-32-1293-1303-2017.pdf.jpg2017-Gestational protein restriction: Study of the probable effects on cardiac muscle structure and function in adult rats
Zientara-34-1151-1171-2019.pdf.jpg2019-Differential severity of LPS-induced lung injury in CD26/DPP4 positive and deficient F344 rats
2020-Nephrotoxicity of cypermethrin in rats. Histopathological aspects