Buscar por Autor Martínez-López, Emma

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13-Martinez-Lopez_et_al_2007.pdf.jpg20-jun-2007-Organochlorine residues in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) and goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) eggs from southeastern Spain
14-Martinez-Lopez_et_al_2009.pdf.jpg2009-Changes in blood pesticide levels in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) associated with agricultural land practices
16-Garcia-Fernandez_et_al_2009.pdf.jpg2-feb-2009-Heavy metals in tissues from loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from the southwestern Mediterranean (Spain)
17-Tagliati_et_al_2012.pdf.jpg22-sep-2011-A comparison of BGM and LLC-PK1 cells for the evaluation of nephrotoxicity
Simal et al 2017 Sentencias Veneno España.pdf.jpg12-jul-2020feb-2017Estudio de las sentencias judiciales falladas en España sobre el uso del veneno en el medio natural (1994-2015)
Martinez-Lopez et al. 2019.pdf.jpg--Trace metals in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded along the Murcia coastline, Mediterranean Sea, during the period 2009-2015.
López Berenguer et al. 2023a.pdf.jpg--POPs concentrations in cetaceans stranded along the agricultural coastline of SE Spain show lower burdens of industrial pollutants in comparison to other Mediterranean cetaceans.
López Berenguer et al. 2023b.pdf.jpg--Assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in mediterranean top marine predators stranded in SE Spain
López Berenguer et al. 2020.pdf.jpg--Stranded cetaceans warn of high perfluoroalkyl substance pollution in the western Mediterranean Sea
Gallego R et al., 2021.pdf.jpg--Enzymatic activity changes in striped catfish Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum, induced by exposure to different concentrations of ibuprofen and triclosan.
López Berenguer_Review.pdf.jpg--A critical review about neurotoxic effects in marine mammals of mercury and other trace elements
García-Cegarra et al., 2024.pdf.jpg--Bycatch and pollution are the main threats for Burmeister’s porpoises inhabiting a high-industrialized bay in the Humboldt Current System
García-Cegarra and Martínez-Lopez 2023.pdf.jpg--Metal concentrations in feathers of red-legged cormorants (Phalacrocorax gaimardi) and sources of plastic in a nesting colony from northern Chile