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Título: Las fuentes de La carne de René: tradición, teatro y absurdo
Fecha de publicación: 31-dic-2016
Palabras clave: Virgilio Piñera
Crítica e interpretación
Resumen: El trabajo es una indagación acerca de las fuentes literarias y filosóficas de la novela de Virgilio Piñera La carne de René. De esta forma, son puestos de relieve todos aquellos elementos de los que se nutrió el ideario espiritual e imaginario de esta novela: aspectos cristianos, motivos literarios, argumentos provenientes de la filosofía e ideas de Albert Camus, así como precedentes dentro de esta corriente.
This paper does not pretend to the goal of analyzing this novel by Virgilio Piñera in its particularities and formal bonanzas. Rather, without undoing these, we will turn our attention to the enormous conceptual wealth of what the Cuban author proposed through this narrative. As a necessary complementa- tion of this, it is intended to offer a mod- est work of inquiry about the sources, influences and, therefore, of the last effects with which La carne de René ab- sorbs and succeeds in removing the reader. In this way, this literary work will be articulated in its sense by offering in the first instance all those elements that have previously existed in literary history, and, of course, the religious motives that were used as a source and in turn crea- tive motivation. Likewise, it is intended to leave a succinct record about the phil- osophical and / or spiritual philosophical origins in which Piñera's work can be framed, a dimension that must also be reflected in these pages. Finally, empha- sis will be placed on the traces of theatri- cality in this novel, whereby the circle of all that composes the world of its author can be shown here minimally profiled to offer a perspective of sufficient approxi- mation to René.
Autor/es principal/es: Molina Sánchez, Juan Antonio
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10201/51667
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Número páginas / Extensión: 157-171
Derechos: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:2016, V.14

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