Producción Animal: Artículos: Producción Animal : [26]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 26
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5. Effects of the feeding level in early gestation. MJ Carrión.pdf.jpg28-may-2022-Effects of the feeding level in early gestation on body reserves and the productive and reproductive performance of primiparous and multiparous sows
3-ok. Effects of Agro-Industrial Byproducts ...insects-13-00323.pdf.jpg25-mar-2022-Effects of Agro-Industrial Byproduct-Based Diets on the Growth Performance, Digestibility, Nutritional and Microbiota Composition of Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.)
2-ok. In vivo and in vitro... dogs.2021.pdf.jpg11-jun-2021-In vivo and in vitro Digestibility of an Extruded Complete Dog Food Containing Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae Meal as Protein Source
2.ADA.pdf.jpg12-oct-2020-Characterization of total adenosine deaminase activity (ADA) and its isoenzymes in saliva and serum in health and inflammatory conditions in four different species: an analytical and clinical validation pilot study
44. Segura et aeffect of parity on reproductive performance sow col.pdf.jpg12-oct-2020-Effect of Parity on Reproductive Performance and Composition of Sow Colostrum during First 24 h Postpartum
4- ok.Effect of Alliaceae Extract Supplementation.cristian Animals 2020.pdf.jpg2-sep-2020-Effect of Alliaceae Extract Supplementation on Performance and Intestinal Microbiota of Growing-Finishing Pig
Inter parasitology.pdf.jpg26-jun-20192019One-year follow-up of anti-Leishmania antibody concentrations in serum and saliva from experimentally infected dogs
Proteómica cerdos-main.pdf.jpg19-jun-2019-Changes in saliva proteins in two conditions of compromised welfare in pigs: T an experimental induced stress by nose snaring and lameness
Estrés oxidativo Vacas.pdf.jpg14-may-2019-Biomarkers of oxidative stress in saliva in pigs: analytical validation and changes in lactation
IRTA-UAB.pdf.jpg13-may-2019-The effects of environmental enrichment on the physiology, behaviour, productivity and meat quality of pigs raised in a hot climate
UAB piglets.pdf.jpg1-abr-2019-Salivary biomarkers to monitor stress due to aggression after weaning in T piglets
OK. partially deffatted.... 2019.pdf.jpg19-feb-2019-Partially defatted black soldier fly larvameal inclusion in piglet diets: effects on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, gut morphology and histological features
Caballos Equine J.pdf.jpg8-ene-2019-Salivary alpha-amylase activity and concentration in horses with acute abdominal disease: Association with outcome
11-jun-2018-Iron bioavailability of four iron sources used to fortify infant cereals, using anemic weaning pigs as a model
Saliva Leishmania.pdf.jpgago-2017-Quantification of anti-Leishmania antibodies in saliva of dogs
Vacunas APPs.pdf.jpg11-mar-2017-Serum acute phase response induced by different vaccination protocols against circovirus type 2 and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in piglets
2015 Stress psicosocial.pdf.jpg22-jul-2015-Changes in saliva biomarkers of stress and immunity in domestic pigs exposed to a psychosocial stressor
PON.pdf.jpg15-feb-2015-Serum paraoxonase type-1 activity in pigs: assay validation and evolution after an induced experimental inflammation
2014 Test.pdf.jpgago-2014-Salivary testosterone measurements in growing pigs: validation of an automated chemiluminescent immunoassay and its possible use as an acute stress marker
2014 LPS.pdf.jpg16-abr-2014-Effect of repeated administration of lipopolysaccharide on inflammatory and stress markers in saliva of growing pigs
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 26