Anales de psicología: Vol. 3, Nº 1 (2021) : [20]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 20
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16_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Mylifeisnotgoingtohaveanymeaning.pdf.jpg2021-"My life is not going to have any meaning". Personality and vulnerability to depression in Spanish youth
01_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Thesmall impact of p-hacking marginally significant resultson the meta-analytic estimation of effect size.pdf.jpg2021-The small impact of p-hacking marginally significant results on the meta-analytic estimation of effect size
02_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Assessing Organizational Climate.pdf.jpg2021-Assessing Organizational Climate: psychometric properties of the ECALS Scale
09_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Spanish validation of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction.pdf.jpg2021-Spanish validation of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction in the upper grades of primary education (QTI-P) and how this interaction influences academic performance
15_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Spanish research in Educational Psychology from a gender perspective.pdf.jpg2021-Spanish research in Educational Psychology from a gender perspective (2008-2018)
14_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Moral development through a sports and values program in adult studentswith intellectual disabilities.pdf.jpg2021-Moral development through a sports and values program in adult students with intellectual disabilities
05_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Character strengths as protective factors against engagement in sexting in adolescence.pdf.jpg2021-Character strengths as protective factors against engagement in sexting in adolescence
12_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Psychometric properties of GaudiebilityScale.pdf.jpg2021-Psychometric properties of Gaudiebility Scale (Modulators of Enjoyment) for Children and Adolescents (GSCA)
10_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Research orientations related to guidance and counselling programmes.pdf.jpg2021-Research orientations related to guidance and counselling programmes: a content analysis study
04_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Exposure of adolescents and youth to Gambling advertising.pdf.jpg2021-Exposure of adolescents and youth to Gambling advertising: a systematic review
03_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Psychometric properties of the Family Satisfaction Scale to Uruguayan families.pdf.jpg2021-Psychometric properties of the Family Satisfaction Scale to Uruguayan families
20_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Parental divorce, Interparental conflict, and Parent-child relationshipsin Spanish young adults.pdf.jpg2021-Parental divorce, Interparental conflict, and Parent-child relationships in Spanish young adults
17_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Validation of a brief version of the Inventory of Life FactorsInterfering Grief and Complicated Grief.pdf.jpg2021-Validation of a brief version of the Inventory of Life Factors Interfering Grief and Complicated Grief (ILFIGv2)
18_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_The influence of attachment on well-beingin Spanish youth.pdf.jpg2021-The influence of attachment on well-being in Spanish youth: the mediating role of emotion regulation
11_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Maternal and paternal parenting styles as a whol.pdf.jpg2021-Maternal and paternal parenting styles as a whole: validation of the simple form of the Parenting Style Evaluation Scale
19_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Perspectivas_de_niños_y_niñas_sobre_crecer_en_hogares_con_violencia.pdf.jpg2021-Child perspectives on growing up with gender-based intimate partner violence at home
13_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Links between motivation and metacognition and achievement in cognitive performance among primary school pupils.pdf.jpg2021-Links between motivation and metacognition and achievement in cognitive performance among primary school pupils
06_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Bullying, basic psychological needs, responsibility and life satisfaction.pdf.jpg2021-Bullying, basic psychological needs, responsibility and life satisfaction: connections and profiles in adolescents
07_eng_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Substance abuse and its relationship to emotional dependence,attachment and emotional regulation in adolescents.pdf.jpg2021-Substance abuse and its relationship to emotional dependence, attachment and emotional regulation in adolescents
08_anales_psicologia_v37_n1_2021_Does optimism mediate the relationship between Big Five and perceived stress.pdf.jpg2021-Does optimism mediate the relationship between Big Five and perceived stress? A study with Spanish adolescents
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 20