Buscar por Autor García Vidal, José Antonio

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TESIS DOCTORAL JAGV 48429495M.pdf.jpg10-jun-201331-may-2013Aportaciones al conocimiento electromiográfico y dinamométrico de la flexo/extensión de codo
280741-1067681-1-PB.pdf.jpg2018-Ansiedad entre cuidadores de pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica tras el alta hospitalaria
Factors Associated with Parents’ Adherence_2019.pdf.jpg5-abr-2019-Factors Associated with Parents' Adherence to Different Types of Exercises in Home Programs for Children with Disabilities
2019.JCM.Dent.pdf.jpg15-ago-2019-The combination of different ergonomic supports during dental procedures reduces the muscle activity of the neck and shoulder
4-2019, PeerJ.pdf.jpg7-nov-2019-Effect of different ergonomic supports on muscle activity of dentists during posterior composite restoration.
2020.JCM.EPM.FISTULAS.pdf.jpg28-feb-2020-A new treatment for mammillary fistulas using ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle electrolysis
Frailty_transitions_and_associated_clinical_outcom_2020.pdf.jpg3-abr-2020-Frailty transitions and associated clinical outcomes in patients with stable COPD: A longitudinal study
Intra- and inter-rater reliability-2020.pdf.jpg2-sep-2020-Intra- and inter-rater reliability of electrical impedance myography using adhesive electrodes in healthy volunteers
41598_2021_Article_98451.pdf.jpgsep-2021-Galvanic current dosage and bacterial concentration are determinants of the bactericidal effect of percutaneous needle electrolysis: an in vitro study
2022.elife.pdf.jpg4-mar-2022-Galvanic current activates the NLRP3 inflammasome to promote Type I collagen production in tendon
2022.SciRep.Bacteric.pdf.jpg6-jul-2022-In vitro bacteriological effect of tri-beveled needle electrolysis against Staphylococcus aureus
Cánovas-Ambit-Germán_SIN ARTICULOS.pdf.jpg28-jul-202328-jul-2023Utilidad de los sistemas optoelectrónicos de seguimiento de trayectorias para determinar movilidad articular y curvas fuerza/elongación de materiales elásticos
73R1.pdf.jpg2024-Técnicas complementarias de relajación y analgesia no farmacológicas durante el parto: revisión sistemática
2024.Dermatol.Ther.pdf.jpgmay-2024-Safety and effectiveness of percutaneous ultrasound-guided galvanic current in tunnels of patients with hidradenitis suppurativa: a pilot study
2024.Sci.Rep.Total.Elect.Charge.pdf.jpg28-dic-2024-The total electric charge and time of application of galvanic currents to macrophages can optimize the release of IL-1β with low cell death