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139-143 Modification of swine serum-induced bile duct lesion in BALBIc mice by cyclophosphamide.pdf.jpg1990-Modification of swine serum-induced bile duct lesion in BALB/c mice by cyclophosphamide
Cardiac and pancreatic lesions in guinea pigs infected with encephalomyocarditis. EMC virus.pdf.jpg1991-Cardiac and pancreatic lesions in guinea pigs infected with encephalomyocarditis. EMC, virus
Rapid induction of atherosclerosis in rabbits.pdf.jpg1992-Rapid induction of atherosclerosis in rabbits
The toxic effects of bis tributyltin oxide on the rat thoracic aorta.pdf.jpg1992-The toxic effects of bis (tributyltin) oxide on the rat thoracic aorta
Morphometric study on the renal glomeruli of streptozotocin SZinduced diabetic APA hamsters.pdf.jpg1992-Morphometric study on the renal glomeruli of streptozotocin (SZ)-induced diabetic APA hamsters
Lectin histochemical study on the kidney of normal and streptozotocininduced diabetic hamsters.pdf.jpg1993-Lectin histochemical study on the kidney of normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic hamsters
Ultrastructure of spontaneous glomerular.pdf.jpg1994-Ultrastructure of spontaneous glomerular lesions in Syrian hamsters of APA strain
Agerelated changes of aorta in Syrian hamsters of APA strain.pdf.jpg1995-Age-related changes of aorta in Syrian hamsters of APA strain
5Azacytidine 5Az induces apoptosis in PC12 cells a model for 5Azinduced apoptosis in developing neuronal cells.pdf.jpg1997-55-Azacytidine (5Az) inducesapoptosis in PC12 cells: a model for 5Az-induced apoptosis in developing neuronal cells
Ultrastructure of atheromatous lesions experimentally induced in Syrian hamsters of the APA strain.pdf.jpg1997-Ultrastructure of atheromatous lesions experimentally induced in Syrian hamsters of the APA strain
Prolonged oval cell proliferation with Ito cell.pdf.jpg1997-Prolonged oval cell proliferation with Ito cell activation and extracellular matrix accumulation in galactosamine-induced acute hepatitis in mini rats
The skin injury induced by high energy dose of ultraviolet in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.pdf.jpg1997-The skin injury induced by high energy dose of ultraviolet in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs
Effects of indomethacin on sunburn and suntan reactions in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.pdf.jpg1998-Effects of indomethacin on sunburn and suntan reactions in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs
Morphological and morphometrical study on the dorsal skin of Wistar and WBNIILAHt rats in their developing stage..pdf.jpg1998-Morphological and morphometrical study on the dorsal skin of Wistar and WBNIILA-Ht rats in their developing stage.
Possible involvement of DNA methylation in 5azacytidineinduced neuronal cell apoptosis.pdf.jpg1999-Possible involvement of DNA methylation in 5-azacytidine-induced neuronal cell apoptosis
T2 toxininduced acute skin lesions in 3 Wistarderived hypotrichotic WBNIILAHt rats.pdf.jpg1999-T-2 toxin-induced acute skin lesions in 3 Wistar-derived hypotrichotic WBNIILA-Ht rats
The development of bone changes induced in rats by recombinant human granulocyte colonystimulating factor is suppressed by bisphosphonate.pdf.jpg1999-The development of bone changes induced in rats by recombinant human granulocyte colonystimulating factor is suppressed by bisphosphonate
Apoptosis in the developing mouse embryos from T2 toxininoculated dams.pdf.jpg1999-Apoptosis in the developing mouse embryos from T-2 toxin-inoculated dams
Foreign seruminduced bile duct lesion BDL in athymic BALBIc nude mice.pdf.jpg2000-Foreign serum-induced bile duct lesion BDL in athymic BALBIc nude mice
Ethylnitrosourea ENU  induced apoptosis in the rat fetal tissues.pdf.jpg2000-Ethylnitrosourea ENU - induced apoptosis in the rat fetal tissues