Histology and histopathology: Vol. 1, nº 1 (1986) : [13]  Estadísticas

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Postnatal development of dendritic reticulum cells.pdf.jpg1986-Postnatal development of dendritic reticulum cells and their immune complex trapping ability.
Morphologic and immunoelectronmicroscopic identification of human T cell....pdf.jpg1986-Morphologic and immunoelectronmicroscopic identification of human T cell lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III).
lmmunohistochemical localization of prolactin in functioning and regressing corpus luteum of pituitary autotransplanted rats.pdf.jpg1986-lmmunohistochemical localization of prolactin in functioning and regressing corpus luteum of pituitary autotransplanted rats
Experimental study of WGA binding on the endothelial cell surface in cerebral ischemia.pdf.jpg1986-Experimental study of WGA binding on the endothelial cell surface in cerebral ischemia
Ultrastructure of pancreatic exocrine cells of the rat ....pdf.jpg1986-Ultrastructure of pancreatic exocrine cells of the rat during starvation.
Morphometric evaluation of capillary basement membrane thickness in the quadriceps muscle of diabetic and nondiabetic Chinese hamsters..pdf.jpg1986-Morphometric evaluation of capillary basement membrane thickness in the quadriceps muscle of diabetic and nondiabetic Chinese hamsters.
Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma.pdf.jpg1986-Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the breast.
Oncocytic adenoma of the nasal cavity..pdf.jpg1986-Oncocytic adenoma of the nasal cavity.
Encephalopathy with astrocitic residual bodies. Report of ....pdf.jpg1986-Encephalopathy with astrocitic residual bodies. Report of a case and rewiev of the literature
Oxygen toxicity in the infant rhesus monkey lung. Light microscopic and ultrastructural studies.pdf.jpg1986-Oxygen toxicity in the infant rhesus monkey lung. Light microscopic and ultrastructural studies
Peritonea1 fine structure of inguinal hernia a scanning electron microscope study.pdf.jpg1986-Peritonea1 fine structure of inguinal hernia: a scanning electron microscope study
Close association of centroacinar ductular and insular cells in the rat pancreas.pdf.jpg1986-Close association of centroacinar ductular and insular cells in the rat pancreas
Early embryonic development in the rat following.pdf.jpg1986-Early embryonic development in the rat following in utero exposure to alcohol and caffeine
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