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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 82
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2024_OceanCoastalManagement.pdf.jpg1-sep-2024-Looking for the surviving optimal areas for the threatened species Pinna nobilis in a highly anthropized coastal lagoon (Mar Menor, SE Spain)
2024_RemoteSensing.pdf.jpg13-jun-2024-Imagery time series cloud removal and classification using long short term memory neural networks
Alonso-Sarria_etal_ComGeos.pdf.jpg5-abr-2024-Analysis of the hyperparameter optimisation of four machine learning satellite imagery classification methods
2023_RSME.pdf.jpgdic-2023-Distribution and behaviour of striped dolphins in the southwestern Mediterranean Sea based on whale-watching data
2023_EarthScienceInformatics.pdf.jpg31-oct-2023-Impact of segmentation algorithms on multisensor LULC classification in a semiarid Mediterranean area
ANALES DE GEOGRAFÍA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE.pdf.jpg27-jul-2023-Los inicios de la producción de energía solar fotovoltaica flotante sobre superficies de agua en España
The_Horizontal_Covered_Well_Draining_Gallery_Techn.pdf.jpgjul-2023may-2023The Horizontal Covered Well (Draining Gallery) Technique as a Model for Sustainable Water Use
HERITAGE (1).pdf.jpg30-may-2023-Extractive Fishing Gear in the Mazarrón Bay (Murcia Region, Spain) during the First Half of the 20th Century: A Heritage Prone to Being Forgotten
INVESTIGACIONES GEOGRÁFICAS.pdf.jpg17-ene-2023-La actividad pesquera extractiva en la Región de Murcia (España) 1987-2020
2023_RemoteSensing.pdf.jpg5-ene-2023-Effect of the Synergetic Use of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, LiDAR and Derived Data in Land Cover Classification of a Semiarid Mediterranean Area Using Machine Learning Algorithms
David against Goliath.pdf.jpg2023-David against Goliath? Challenges and opportunities for energy cooperatives in Southern Europe
Expansión urbana y transformación.pdf.jpg2023-Expansión urbana y transformación de coberturas y usos de suelo en la Aglomeración Urbana de Murcia
2022_MarinePollution.pdf.jpg21-nov-2022-The relict population of Pinna nobilis in the Mar Menor is facing an uncertain future
2022 eng-03-00028 (1).pdf.jpg28-sep-2022-Actions for the Conservation and Restoration of the Dunes and Wetlands in the Salinas of San Pedro del Pinatar: LIFE-Salinas Project (Murcia, Southeast of Spain)
IJRM_Innovation_Gil_Bernabe_Gomez (2).pdf.jpg21-sep-2022-Innovation in Irrigated Fields in a Semi-arid Region: Southeastern Spain Case
Chronicle of a forecast flood_exposure and vulnerability on the south-east coast of Spain.pdf.jpg9-jun-2022-Chronicle of a forecast flood: exposure and vulnerability on the south‑east coast of Spain
AG-2022.pdf.jpg25-mar-2022-Dasymetry Dash Flood (DDF). A method for population mapping and flood exposure assessment in touristic citie
AG-2022.pdf.jpg13-mar-2022-Dasymetry Dash Flood (DDF). A method for population mapping and flood exposure assessment in touristic cities
JEC-22.pdf.jpg21-feb-2022-La “Doña” è Mobile: The Role of Women in Social Mobility in a Pre-Modern Economy
2022_GeocartoInternational_Accepted.pdf.jpg10-ene-2022-Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration using TDTM model and MODIS derived variables
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 82