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dc.contributor.authorAcosta Aviles, J.A.-
dc.contributor.authorFaz Cano, A.-
dc.contributor.authorMartínez-Martínez, S.-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Murciaes
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Salinization is one of the main problems of soil degradation in arid and semiarid areas, causing a reduction of soil quality, declining yield and productivity, and even land abandonment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different land uses, particularly agricultural use in the salt content in soil. The study area is located in the surroundings of Murcia city (SE Spain), with an surface of 100 km2, with high agricultural productivity. In order to determine salt content in soil, E.C. was measured in the 1:5 ratio. The results showed that the study area is saline, being the salinity higher when anthropogenic activity is more severe. Agricultural lands present the widest range of data, probably due to the application of poor quality irrigation water, fertilizers and livestock waste. Supporting this hypothesis, spatial distribution showed that the salinity is clearly located in the agricultural area. Detailed studies will be useful to understand the salinization process in order to implement measures to control and reduce salinity.es
dc.relationSin financiación externa a la Universidad de Murciaes
dc.relation.ispartofCongreso Internacional sobre desertificaciónes
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectusos de sueloes
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::63 - Agricultura. Silvicultura. Zootecnia. Caza. Pesca::631 - Agricultura. Agronomía. Maquinaria agrícola. Suelos. Edafología agrícolaes
dc.titleEl impacto de la ganadería y la agricultura en los ecosistemas terrestres.-Efecto de la actividad agrícola en los contenidos de sales en suelos de Murcia: comparación con otros usos de sueloes
Aparece en las colecciones:Congreso Internacional sobre Desertificación.

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