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dc.contributor.authorDíaz Flores, L.-
dc.contributor.authorMadrid, J. F.-
dc.contributor.authorGutierrez, R.-
dc.contributor.authorValladares, F.-
dc.contributor.authorDíaz, M.-
dc.contributor.authorValera, H.-
dc.contributor.authorDíaz Flores Jr, L.-
dc.identifier.citationHistology and histopathology, Vol. 16, nº 4 (2001)es
dc.description.abstractAn int e nse a nd sig ni fica nt neo - vascul ari za tion, with numerous capillaries growing into th e med ia laye r o f th e rat femo ra l art e ry, was demonstrated when glycero l was administered into the interstitium be tween the femoral ve in and the femoral a rt e ry. Th e max imum mi c rovasc ul a ri za ti o n was obse rved at days 7 and 9 after glyce rol administration. Afterwards, invo lution of th e majo rit y of the new lyfo rmed microvessels in the art erial wall occurred. Other substances containing glyce rol in their molecul es, such as tri ace tyl-glyce rol and tri butyril-glyce rol, fa il ed to produce significant neovascul ari zation in the medi a laye r of the femora l art ery. Neova cul ariza tion of the art eri al wa ll was preceded by a co nside rab le dec rease in the number of the smooth muscle ce lls, whi ch ex perienced apoptosis and necrobiosis, disappearing in extense areas of the arteri al segment affected by glyce rol. Coinciding with neovascul ariza tion and mi crovascul ar in volu tion, repopul ation of the med ia laye r by smooth mu 'cle cells was observed.es
dc.publisherF. Hernández y Juan F. Madrid. Universidad de Murcia: Departamento de Biología Celular e Histologíaes
dc.relationSin financiación externa a la Universidades
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectArterial walles
dc.subjectSmooth muscle cellses
dc.subject.otherCDU::5 - Ciencias puras y naturales::57 - Biología::576 - Biología celular y subcelular. Citologíaes
dc.titleArterial wall neovascularization induced by glyceroles
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.16, nº 4 (2001)

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