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Resultados 11-20 de 62.
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Use of white light illumination for the adaptive ....pdf.jpg9-jul-2020jun-2011Session II. Wavefront corrector devices I. Spatial light modulators.-Use of white light illumination for the adaptive optics visual simulator implementing Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS) technology
Dynamic Holography in Liquid Crystalline Matrix in ....pdf.jpg9-jul-2020jun-2011Session II. Wavefront corrector devices I. Spatial light modulators.-Dynamic Holography in Liquid Crystalline Matrix in Adaptive Optics
A method to measure the wavefront of short pulsed ....pdf.jpg9-jul-2020jun-2011Session I. Adaptive Optics for ultrafast and ultrahigh power lasers.-A method to measure the wavefront of short pulsed lasers through second-harmonic generation
Effective and robust implementation strategies for ....pdf.jpg10-jul-2020jun-2011Session VII. Adaptive Optics and microscopy.- Effective and robust implementation strategies for adaptive optics in sectioning microscopy
Adaptive Optics for Microscopy and Photonic Engineering.pdf.jpg10-jul-2020jun-2011Session VII. Adaptive Optics and microscopy.- Adaptive Optics for Microscopy and Photonic Engineering
AO Commercialization From building block AO components to....pdf.jpg10-jul-2020jun-2011Session VI. Industrybreakthroughs.-AO Commercialization: From building block AO components to turnkey AO enhanced microscope instrumentation
Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and its problems.pdf.jpg10-jul-2020jun-2011Session V. Wavefront sensors, control systems and strategies.-Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and its problems
Propagating aberrated laser beams.pdf.jpg10-jul-2020jun-2011Session IX. Miscelaneous, research collaborations and future meeting.-Propagating aberrated laser beams
Closed-Loop AO Performance of a Liquid Mirror.pdf.jpg10-jul-2020jun-2011Session IV. Wavefront corrector devices II. Deformable mirrors.-Closed-Loop AO Performance of a Liquid Mirror
Control system design and implementation for compensating....pdf.jpg10-jul-2020jun-2011Session V. Wavefront sensors, control systems and strategies.-Control system design and implementation for compensating the eye’s wave aberrations