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dc.contributor.authorSequeira, Mahuel David-
dc.contributor.authorVazquez, Patricia-
dc.contributor.authorSacido, Mónica-
dc.description.abstractLa erosión hídrica es uno de los fenómenos más significativos de degradación del suelo a nivel mundial. Este trabajo estima la tasa de erosión hídrica actual y potencial y la variación de la pérdida total de suelos agrícolas de las unidades ecológicas del partido de Benito Juárez, para las campañas 1989/90, 2002/03 y 2014/15, estableciendo una relación entre estos valores y el avance agrícola. Metodológicamente, se superpusieron capas de información de trabajos antecedentes, para analizar la transformación de la superficie agrícola en cada unidad ecológica. Luego, se estimaron las tasas de erosión y la pérdida total de suelos; analizando su variación en el mismo lapso temporal y comparando estos valores con los niveles de tolerancia de pérdida de los suelos de la región. Para las 3 campañas, las mayores tasas de erosión corresponden a la unidad “Sierras”; y las mayores pérdidas de suelos a la unidad “Llanura ondulada, suavemente ondulada y deprimida”. Se plantea que existe una relación directa entre los resultados obtenidos y el incremento de la superficie destinada al avance de la agricultura. Finalmente, los datos alcanzados contribuyen al diagnóstico acerca de la sostenibilidad del modelo productivo del Partido, en pos de un correcto ordenamiento ambiental del territorio.es
dc.description.abstractWater erosion is one of the most significant soil degradation phenomena worldwide. This work estimates the current and potential rate of water erosion and the variation of the total loss of agricultural soils of the ecological units of the Benito Juárez county, for the 1989/90, 2002/03 and 2014/15 campaigns, establishing a relationship between these values and the agricultural advance. Methodologically, layers of previous information were superimposed to analyze the transformation of the agricultural area in each ecological unit. Then, the rates of erosion and the total loss of soils were estimated; analyzing their variation in the same time lapse and comparing these values with the tolerance levels of loss of soils in the region. For the 3 campaigns, the highest erosion rates correspond to the "Mountain ranges" unit; and the highest soil losses to the "Wavy, gently wavy and depressed plains" unit. It is proposed that there is a direct relationship between the results obtained and the increase in the area destined to the advance of agriculture. Finally, the data reached contribute to the diagnosis about the sustainability of the productive model of the County, in pursuit of a correct environmental territorial ordering.es
dc.publisherUniversidad de Murcia, Servicio de Publicacioneses
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNº 65, 2019es
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectClasificaciones supervisadases
dc.subjectUnidades ecológicases
dc.subjectIndicador de erosiónes
dc.subjectTeledetección y sistemas de información geográficaes
dc.subjectOrdenación ambiental de territorioes
dc.subjectSupervised classificationses
dc.subjectEcological unitses
dc.subjectErosion indicatores
dc.subjectRemote sensinh and geographic information systemses
dc.subjectEnvironmental territorial orderinges
dc.subjectWater erosion is one of the most significant soil degradation phenomena worldwide. This work estimates the current and potential rate of water erosion and the variation of the total loss of agricultural soils of the ecological units of the Benito Juárez county, for the 1989/90, 2002/03 and 2014/15 campaigns, establishing a relationship between these values and the agricultural advance. Methodologically, layers of previous information were superimposed to analyze the transformation of the agricultural area in each ecological unit. Then, the rates of erosion and the total loss of soils were estimated; analyzing their variation in the same time lapse and comparing these values with the tolerance levels of loss of soils in the region. For the 3 campaigns, the highest erosion rates correspond to the "Mountain ranges" unit; and the highest soil losses to the "Wavy, gently wavy and depressed plains" unit. It is proposed that there is a direct relationship between the results obtained and the increase in the area destined to the advance of agriculture. Finally, the data reached contribute to the diagnosis about the sustainability of the productive model of the County, in pursuit of a correct environmental territorial ordering.es
dc.subject.otherCDU::9 - Geografía e historiaes
dc.titleErosión hídrica y su relación con el avance de la agricultura en el sudeste bonaerense, Argentina: el caso del partido de Benito Juárez durante las campañas 1989/90, 2002/03 y 2014/15.es
dc.title.alternativeWater erosion and its relationship with the advance of agriculture in southeastern Buenos Aires, Argentina: the case of Benito Juarez during the 1989/90, 2002/03 and 2014/15 campaigns.es
Aparece en las colecciones:2019, N. 65

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