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dc.contributor.authorPryymachuk, Galyna-
dc.contributor.authorPolykandriotis, Elias-
dc.contributor.authorSchievenbusch, Stephanie-
dc.contributor.authorArkudas, Andreas-
dc.contributor.authorNierhoff, Dirk-
dc.contributor.authorCurth, Harald-Morten-
dc.contributor.authorOdenthal, Margarete-
dc.contributor.authorHorch, Raymund E.-
dc.contributor.authorNeiss, Wolfram F.-
dc.contributor.authorGoeser, Tobias-
dc.contributor.authorSteffen, Hans Michael-
dc.contributor.authorToex, Ulrich-
dc.identifier.citationHistology and Histopathology, vol. 28, nº 8 (2013)es
dc.description.abstractBackground and aim: Current methods for visualization of the blood vasculature, biliary tree and for isolation of vital cholangiocytes are afflicted with a plethora of technical difficulties, especially in mice. In this project, we propose a novel, reliable and straightforward alternative technique for histological demonstration of blood- and biliary systems and derivation of vital cholangiocytes. Methods: Intravital retrograde perfusion of bile ducts was performed in twenty wild type mice. Liver and gallbladder were exposed by median laparotomy. Using a venous catheter, the gallbladder was cannulated, a few millimeters of the liver edge were cropped to allow free outflow of the perfusate, and carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFDA-SE) solution was retrogradely infused. Thereafter, formaldehyde solution was either injected through the same catheter, or the liver was immediately dissociated into a single-cell suspension for FACS-analysis. Intravital perfusion of the vascular system was performed in ten Lewis rats by direct intra-arterial injection of CFDA-SE into the abdominal aorta. The specificity and sensitivity of CFDA-SE labeling was controlled using Indian ink or cytokeratin 19 immunohistochemistry respectively. Results: Upon histomorphological analysis of cryoand paraffin sections, strong fluorescence was noted in large and small bile ducts throughout the entire liver and in the vascular system after infusion of the CFDA-SE solution. In preliminary FACS-experiments, we succeeded in separating cholangiocytes based on combined CFDA-SE-staining and cell size. Conclusions: Visualization of liver architecture and the isolation of cholangiocytes is feasible using a fast and cost-effective method of retrograde perfusion and vital fluorescent labeling of mouse bile duct epithelium and vascular endothelium with CFDA-SE.es
dc.publisherF. Hernández y Juan F. Madrid. Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Biología Celular e Histologíaes
dc.subjectCholangiocytes isolationes
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicina::616 - Patología. Medicina clínica. Oncología::616.1 - Patología del sistema circulatorio, de los vasos sanguíneos. Transtornos cardiovasculareses
dc.titleVital staining of blood vessels and bile ducts with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester: a novel tool for isolation of cholangiocyteses
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.28, nº 8 (2013)

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