Histology and histopathology: Vol.28, nº 8 (2013) : [14]  Estadísticas

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Mobasheri-28-955-964-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Is tendinitis an inflammatory disease initiated and driven by pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 1ß?
Funk-28-1041-1054-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Morphological spectrum and clinical features of myopathies with tubular aggregates
Beschorner-28-1055-1063-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Notch receptors in human choroid plexus tumors
Agata-28-985-991-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Ischemic culture of dental pulp-derived cells is a useful model in which to investigate mechanisms of post-ischemic tissue recovery
Schardt-28-993-998-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Monoclonal antibodies for immunodetection of fibrin deposits on cancer cells
Pryymachuk-28-1013-1020-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Vital staining of blood vessels and bile ducts with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester: a novel tool for isolation of cholangiocytes
Salucci-28-1073-1087-2013.pdf.jpg2013-The peculiar apoptotic behavior of skeletal muscle cells
Redrado-28-1029-1040-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Spatial-temporal protein expression of inhibitor of differentiation-1 (Id1) during fetal embryogenesis and in different mouse and human cancer types
Marquez-de-Aracena-28-1065-1071-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Effect of regenerative factor rich plasma, P substance and fetal calf serum on the growth of epithelial cells in the cornea. Comparative experimental study
Tsioli-28-971-984-2013.pdf.jpg2013-DNA repair systems in rhabdomyosarcoma
Brito-Armas-28-999-1006-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Melatonin prevents dopaminergic cell loss induced by lentiviral vectors expressing A30P mutant alpha-synuclein
Kim-28-1021-1028-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Fiber type composition of the architecturally distinct regions of human supraspinatus muscle: A cadaveric study
Vera-Gil-28-1007-1011-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Effects of the relationship between 65Zn and blood cells. A dynamic and morphological study
Wada-28-965-969-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Mouse models of human INAD by Pla2g6 deficiency
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