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dc.contributor.authorAbou Asa, S.-
dc.contributor.authorMurai, A.-
dc.contributor.authorMurakami, M.-
dc.contributor.authorHoshino, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorMori, T.-
dc.contributor.authorMaruo, K.-
dc.contributor.authorKhater, A.-
dc.contributor.authorEl-sawak, A.-
dc.contributor.authorAbd el-Aziz, E.-
dc.contributor.authorYanai, T.-
dc.contributor.authorSakai, H.-
dc.identifier.citationHistology and histopathology, Vol. 27, nº 5 (2012)es
dc.description.abstractHemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a malignant neoplasia of vascular endothelial cells (ECs). Our previous report on the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, and their receptors in canine HSA suggested an autocrine/paracrine mechanism of tumor growth. However, the influence of other angiogenic growth factors in canine HSA was not elucidated; therefore, the expression of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and its receptors was investigated by immunohistochemical analysis. Forty-six canine HSAs and 21 canine cutaneous hemangiomas (HAs) were analyzed. For immunohisto-chemistry, anti-PDGF-BB, anti-PDGFR-α, and anti-PDGFR-ß antibodies were utilized as primary antibodies. Immunoreactivities were scored as strongly positive (>25% positive neoplastic cells), weakly positive (1-25% positive neoplastic cells), and negative if not staining at all. In cutaneous HA, 33.3% and 57.1% of cases were strongly and weakly positive, respectively, and 43.5% and 13.0% of HSAs were strongly and weakly positive for PDGF-BB, respectively. Moreover, 38.1% and 28.6% of cutaneous HAs cases were strongly and weakly positive, respectively, and 23.9% and 4.3% of HSAs cases were strongly and weakly positive, respectively, for PDGFR-α. Thirty-five HSAs cases (76.1%) were strongly positive, and the remaining 11 (23.9%) were weakly positive for PDGFR-ß. In contrast, 18 (72.0%) cutaneous HAs were negative, and only 3 cases (12.0%) were weakly positive, for PDGFR-ß. The proportion of strongly positive cases of HSAs was significantly higher than that of cutaneous HA for PDGFR-ß (P<0.01), while PDGFR-α was highly expressed in cutaneous HA and may be related to pathogenesis of cutaneous HA. Therefore, PDGFR-ß may be associated with the malignant nature of canine HSAes
dc.publisherF. Hernández y Juan F. Madrid. Universidad de Murcia: Departamento de Biología Celular e Histologíaes
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::63 - Agricultura. Silvicultura. Zootecnia. Caza. Pesca::636 - Veterinaria. Explotación y cría de animales. Cría del ganado y de animales domésticoses
dc.titleExpression of platelet-derived growth factor and its receptors in spontaneous canine hemangiosarcoma and cutaneous hemangiomaes
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.27, nº 5 (2012)

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