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2023 helpen.pdf.jpg19-sep-2023-Effects of a Clinical Simulation-Based Training Program forNursing Students to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness inthe Elderly: A Quasi-Experimental Study
2023 bmc nursing.pdf.jpg3-oct-2023-Including audience response systems in debriefing. A mixed study during nursing simulation-based learning
2021 sensors-21-03765.pdf.jpg28-may-2021-S3: An AI-Enabled User Continuous Authentication for Smartphones Based on Sensors, Statistics and Speaker Information
CGAPP_Platform.pdf.jpg9-oct-2023-CGAPP: A continuous group authentication privacy-preserving platform for industrial scene
2022 NET genero.pdf.jpg17-nov-2021-Improving learning in the management of gender violence. Educational impact of a training program with reflective analysis of dramatized video problems in postgraduate nurses.
2023-Does Clinical Simulation Learning Enhance Evidence-Based Practice? A Quasi-Experimental Study Involving Nursing Students
1-s2.0-S0167587720309065-main.pdf.jpg2021-Preventive Veterinary Medicine 186 (2021) 105222Available online 25 November 20200167-5877/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Resistance patterns to C and D antibiotic categories for veterinary use of Campylobacter spp., Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. commensal isolates from laying hen farms in Spain during 2018
Poveda et al., Behav. Processes 2020.pdf.jpg30-jun-2020-The diurnal variation of open-field habituation in rats
Manuscript_RSVC_R1_Unmarked.pdf.jpg29-may-2023-Survey research on reverse sneezing in 779 dogs in Southeast of Spain: Prevalence and possible related factors
Environmental Pollution 2020 Antonia Baeza Caracena A multipollutant methodology....pdf.jpg11-ago-2020-A multi-pollutant methodology to locate a single air quality monitoring station in small and medium-size urban areas