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dc.contributor.authorVicente Jara, Fernando-
dc.coverage.spatialRegión de Murcia, Españaes
dc.coverage.temporalSiglo XXes
dc.description.abstractlf as has been said, the one-class or combined-class school corresponded to the infancy period of pedagogy, the period of study which conceons us corresponds to the stage of bioth and infancy of the graded public school system, beasing in mind that Spain no longer constituutes an exception to the group of civilized countries having entered into a process of change, brom the archaic, discredited models of organisation of the one-class school, to others more modem and rational, those of the graded school, a process which stretches through the 60's and 70's, when the graded school system sees its greatest implantation in Spain, and has now reached a stage of development which we could classify as maturity or the adult stage. As it is, in those initial years of birtl and evolution Murcia occupied an important place. Pedagogical argument at meetings or con gres ses, in monographs, in specialized magazines as well as in the daily newspapers, is not now so centred on the creation of schools as on the metería! and fundional conditions in which these schools should be created, thus resolutely defending the graded school as an instrument of national regeneration and establishing what carne to be called the Pedagogical rally, whesein Murcia is represented by personalities ontstanding in their efforts in defense of schooling and education, who ha ve made Murcia worthy of the honorary epithet which describes her as the birth-place of Spain's graded schools.es
dc.publisherUniversidad de Murciaes
dc.relation.ispartofAnales de Pedagogía, Nº 9, 1991es
dc.subject.other37 - Educación. Enseñanza. Formación. Tiempo librees
dc.titleEscuela graduada frente a escuela unitaria .. Murcia y la escuela graduada en el contexto de las reformas educativas de principios del siglo XXes
Aparece en las colecciones:Nº 09 (1991)

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