Histology and histopathology: Vol.25,nº11 (2010) : [12]  Estadísticas

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The metastasisassociated gene MTA3 is downregulated in advanced endometrioid adenocarcinomas.pdf.jpg2010-The metastasis-associated gene MTA3 is downregulated in advanced endometrioid adenocarcinomas
The relationship between pregnancyassociated plasma proteinA PAPPA and human intervertebral disc degeneration.pdf.jpg2010-The relationship between pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and human intervertebral disc degeneration
When one plus one equals more than two  a novel stain for renal biopsies is a combination of two classical stains.pdf.jpg2010-When one plus one equals more than two - a novel stain for renal biopsies is a combination of two classical stains
Organelle dynamics and membrane trafficking in apoptosis and autophagy.pdf.jpg2010-Organelle dynamics and membrane trafficking in apoptosis and autophagy
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Fukuda-25-1473-1480-2010.pdf.jpg2010-How can mammalian Rab small GTPases be comprehensively analyzed?: Development of new tools to comprehensively analyze mammalian Rabs in membrane traffic
Reduced UVB-induced corneal damage caused by.pdf.jpg2010-Reduced UVB-induced corneal damage caused by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and decreased changes in corneal optics after trehalose treatment
Bufo-25-1371-1377-2010.pdf.jpg2010-Expression of mitotic kinases phospho-aurora A and aurora B correlates with clinical and pathological parameters in bladder neoplasms
Distribution of CD105 and CD166 positive cells in the proximal epiphysis of developing rat humerus.pdf.jpg2010-Distribution of CD105 and CD166 positive cells in the proximal epiphysis of developing rat humerus
Renal expression of organic anion transporter Oat5 in rats and mice exhibits the femaledominant sex differences.pdf.jpg2010-Renal expression of organic anion transporter Oat5 in rats and mice exhibits the female-dominant sex differences
Histopathological and biochemical changes in rat thyroid following acute exposure to hexavalent chromium.pdf.jpg2010-Histopathological and biochemical changes in rat thyroid following acute exposure to hexavalent chromium
Vansthertem-25-1417-1429-2010.pdf.jpg20102010Immunohistochemical localization of galectins-1 and -3 and monitoring of tissue galectin-binding sites during tubular regeneration after renal ischemia reperfusion in the rat
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