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dc.contributor.authorSilva, Ana Danielaes
dc.contributor.authorTaveira, Maria do Céues
dc.contributor.authorBernardo, Edgares
dc.contributor.authorMoreno, Maria Luisaes
dc.identifier.citationRevista de Investigación Educativa, V. 32, N. 1, 2014-
dc.description.abstractSe pretende examinar la relación simultánea entre los procesos de exploración vocacional y los de adaptación académica con miras a la identificación de perfiles profesionales en la educación superior. La muestra incluye 135 estudiantes de pregrado. 68 son mujeres (50,4%), con edades comprendidas entre 17 y 57 años (M=33,96; DP=9,636). Las medidas se aplicaron, la Escala de Exploración de la Carreras (CES, Stumpf et al., 1983, versión adaptada por Taveira, 1993), y el Cuestionario de Adaptación Académica (QAA; Lent et al., 2005; versión adaptada por Lent & Taveira, 2004). A través de un análisis de clusters, fue posible identificar tres perfiles distintos. Estos resultados son consistentes con estudios congéneres y tienen implicaciones para la intervención en la educación superior.es
dc.description.abstractIn the present study we analyzed the simultaneous relation between the processes of career exploration and academic adjustment, in order to identify career profiles in Higher Education. The sample included 135 undergraduate students from the Pedagogical University in Maputo, Mozambique, enrolled in a Teacher Training program. A Career Exploration Scale and an Academic Adjustment Questionnaire were used as data collection instruments. Through the use of a clustering analysis, three distinct career action and experiential profiles were identified: resilient, constructive and conformist. The results showed that career exploration is related to different modes of academic adjustment and that intervention in higher education should consider inter-individual differences in academic and occupational development. In the present study we analyzed the simultaneous relation between the processes of career exploration and academic adjustment, in order to identify career profiles in Higher Education. The sample included 135 undergraduate students from the Pedagogical University in Maputo, Mozambique, enrolled in a Teacher Training program. A Career Exploration Scale and an Academic Adjustment Questionnaire were used as data collection instruments. Through the use of a clustering analysis, three distinct career action and experiential profiles were identified: resilient, constructive and conformist. The results showed that career exploration is related to different modes of academic adjustment and that intervention in higher education should consider inter-individual differences in academic and occupational development. In the present study we analyzed the simultaneous relation between the processes of career exploration and academic adjustment, in order to identify career profiles in Higher Education. The sample included 135 undergraduate students from the Pedagogical University in Maputo, Mozambique, enrolled in a Teacher Training program. A Career Exploration Scale and an Academic Adjustment Questionnaire were used as data collection instruments. Through the use of a clustering analysis, three distinct career action and experiential profiles were identified: resilient, constructive and conformist. The results showed that career exploration is related to different modes of academic adjustment and that intervention in higher education should consider inter-individual differences in academic and occupational development.es
dc.publisherUniversidad de Murcia. Servicio de Publicaciones-
dc.subjectAdaptación académicaes
dc.subjectExploración vocacionales
dc.subjectEducación superiores
dc.subjectAcademic adjustmentes
dc.subjectCareer explorationes
dc.subjectHigher educationes
dc.subjectAjuste académico-
dc.titlePerfiles de carrera en Educación Superior: Un estudio en la Universidad Pedagógica de Mozambiquees
dc.title.alternativeCareer profiles in Higher Education: a study at the Pedagogical University of Mozambiquees
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.32, Nº 1 (2014)

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