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dc.contributor.authorVillarreal Méndez, Normaes
dc.description.abstractDos grandes enfoques han orientado la actuación del movimiento de mujeres y las feministas desde la promulgación de la Constitución de 1991 que no se excluyen y que han sido simultáneamente desarrolladas por el movimiento de mujeres y las feministas. Unas actuaciones son más de incidencia y otras de resistencia. La actuación del movimiento haciendo incidencia se ha dirigido al desarrollo normativo, la institucionalización, la formulación de políticas, e implementación de programas de mujer y género, para la superación de la desigualdad. Junto a la incidencia, se ha desarrollado en forma simultánea una actuación política de resistencia que ha sido una respuesta del movimiento de mujeres, ante la intensificación del conflicto armado y de los impactos perversos en la vida de las mujeres.es
dc.description.abstractTwo major approaches have guided the actions of the women's movement and feminists since the enactment of the 1991 Constitution are not excluded and have been simultaneously developed by the women's movement and feminists. Some actions are more and incidence of resistance. The performance impact of the movement has led to policy development, institution building, policy formulation and implementation of programs for women and gender, to overcome inequality. Along with the impact has been developed in parallel a political resistance which has been a response from the women's movement, before the intensification of armed conflict and the adverse impacts on the lives of women. Two major approaches have guided the actions of the women's movement and feminists since the enactment of the 1991 Constitution are not excluded and have been simultaneously developed by the women's movement and feminists. Some actions are more and incidence of resistance. The performance impact of the movement has led to policy development, institution building, policy formulation and implementation of programs for women and gender, to overcome inequality. Along with the impact has been developed in parallel a political resistance which has been a response from the women's movement, before the intensification of armed conflict and the adverse impacts on the lives of women.es
dc.subjectMovimientos de mujereses
dc.subjectViolencia de géneroes
dc.subjectConflicto armadoes
dc.subjectParticipación políticaes
dc.subjectWomen's movementes
dc.subjectGender violencees
dc.subjectArmed conflictes
dc.subjectPolitical participationes
dc.title1991 -2008. Las mujeres colombianas entre el estado social de derecho y el conflicto armadoes
Aparece en las colecciones:Nº 14 (2009)

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