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dc.contributor.authorNachtigal, Peteres
dc.contributor.authorVecerova, lenkaes
dc.contributor.authorPospisilova, Nada-
dc.contributor.authorMicuda, Stanislav-
dc.contributor.authorBrcakova, Eva-
dc.contributor.authorNavarro Hernandez, Elena-
dc.contributor.authorPospechova, Katerina-
dc.contributor.authorSemecky, Vladimir-
dc.description.abstractEndoglin, a homodimeric transmembrane glycoprotein, is a part of the transforming growth factorß (TGF-ß) receptor cascade. It has been demonstrated that endoglin can affect TGF-ß signaling and eNOS expression by affecting SMAD proteins in vitro. We planned to go one step forward and evaluate whether endoglin is co-expressed with SMAD2, phosphorylated SMAD2/3 protein and eNOS in endothelium of normocholesterolemic C57BL/6J mice, and in advanced atherosclerotic lesions in hypercholesterolemic apoE/LDLr-deficient mice by means of fluorescence immunohistochemistry. Female C57BL/6J mice were fed with a chow diet (standard laboratory diet) for 12 weeks after weaning (at the age of 4 weeks). Two-month-old female apoE/LDLrdeficient mice were fed the western type diet (atherogenic diet) containing 21% fat (11% saturated fat) and 0.15% cholesterol for 2 months. Immunohistochemical analysis of endoglin, SMAD2, phosphorylated SMAD2/3 and eNOS expression was performed in mice aortic sinus. Immunohistochemical analysis showed the expression of endoglin in intact endothelium in both C57BL/6J and apoE/LDLr-deficient mice and in endothelium covering the atherosclerotic lesion in apoE/LDLr-deficient mice. Fluorescence immunohistochemistry revealed co-expression of endoglin with SMAD2, phosphorylated SMAD2/3 and eNOS in intact aortic endothelium in C57BL/6J mice. Moreover, strong co-localization of endoglin, SMAD2, phosphorylated SMAD2/3 and eNOS was also detected in endothelium covering atherosclerotic lesions in apoE/LDLr-deficient mice. In conclusion, we suggest that endoglin, SMAD2, phosphorylated SMAD2/3 and eNOS may be important in vessel endothelium homeostasis underlying their role in atherogenesis.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subject.other615 - Farmacología. Terapéutica. Toxicología. Radiologíaes
dc.titleEndoglin co-expression with eNOS, SMAD2 and phosphorylated SMAD23 in normocholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic mice: an immunohistochemical studyes
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.24,nº12 (2009)

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