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Título: A review of ERGIC-53, Its structure, functions, regulation and relations with diseases
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Editorial: Murcia : F. Hernández
ISSN: 0213-3911
Materias relacionadas: 61 - Medicina
Palabras clave: ERGIC-53
Resumen: ERGIC-53 is a type I transmembrane protein. It includes an N-terminal signal sequence, a carbohydrate recognition domain, which is calciumdependent and pH-sensitive, a stalk region, a transmembrane domain, and a short cytoplasmic domain; ERGIC-53 mainly acts as a receptor of a limited number of glycoprotein and transports them from ER to ERGIC and Golgi, meanwhile it has a secondary glycoprotein quality control function. Recent research has revealed that UPR, heat shock and VIPL may regulate the expression of ERGIC-53. F5F8D, and some ER storage diseases have relationship with ERGIC-53.
Autor/es principal/es: Yong Ci Zhang
Yuan Zhou
Chun Zheng Yang
Dong Sheng Xiong
Forma parte de: Histology and histopathology
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10201/36065
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Número páginas / Extensión: 12
Derechos: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.24, nº9 (2009)

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