Histology and histopathology: Vol.24, nº4 (2009) : [14]  Estadísticas

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KAI1CD82 The molecule and clinical implication in cancer and cancer metastasis.pdf.jpg24-sep-2013-KAI-1CD82, The molecule and clinical implication in cancer and cancer metastasis
Activation of matrix metalloproteinase MMP2 by membrane type 1MMP and.pdf.jpg2009-Activation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 by membrane type 1-MMP and abnormal immunolocalization of the basement membrane components laminin and type IV collagen in canine spontaneous hemangiosarcomas
MGMT analysis at DNA RNA and protein levels in glioblastoma tissue.pdf.jpg2009-MGMT analysis at DNA, RNA and protein levels in glioblastoma tissue
Focal adhesion kinase and cancer.pdf.jpg2009-Focal adhesion kinase and cancer
Density and migration of mast cells in lip squamous cell carcinoma and actinic cheilitis.pdf.jpg2009-Density and migration of mast cells in lip squamous cell carcinoma and actinic cheilitis
Analysis of the molecular expression profile of non small cell lung carcinoma.pdf.jpg2009-Analysis of the molecular expression profile of non small cell lung carcinoma associated to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Investigating the ultrastructure of platelets of HIV patients treated with the immunoregulator Canova.pdf.jpg2009-Investigating the ultrastructure of platelets of HIV patients treated with the immuno-regulator, Canova: a qualitative scanning electron microscopy study
Pineal concretions in turkey Meleagris gallopavo as a result of collagenmediated calcification.pdf.jpg2009-Pineal concretions in turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) as a result of collagen-mediated calcification
The interactomics of sortilin an ancient lysosomal receptor evolving new functions.pdf.jpg2009-The interactomics of sortilin: an ancient lysosomal receptor evolving new functions
Biomarkers for novel targeted therapies of hepatocellular carcinoma.pdf.jpg2009-Biomarkers for novel targeted therapies of hepatocellular carcinoma
Prognostic significance of tumour vascularisation on survival of patients with advanced ovarian carcinoma.pdf.jpg2009-Prognostic significance of tumour vascularisation on survival of patients with advanced ovarian carcinoma
Liver growth factor antifibrotic activity in vivo is associated with a.pdf.jpg2009-Liver growth factor antifibrotic activity in vivo is associated with a decrease in activation of hepatic stellate cells
Localization of the polyol pathway in the human kidney.pdf.jpg2009-Localization of the polyol pathway in the human kidney
Immunohistochemical expression of glycodelin in breast cancer correlates with estrogenreceptor a.pdf.jpg2009-Immunohistochemical expression of glycodelin in breast cancer correlates with estrogen-receptor α and progesterone-receptor A positivity
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