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dc.contributor.authorDarias, M.J.es
dc.contributor.authorOrtiz-Delgado, J.B.es
dc.contributor.authorSarasquete, C.-
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Rodríguez, G.-
dc.contributor.authorYúfera, M.-
dc.description.abstractOrganogenesis of the red porgy (Pagrus pagrus L., 1758) was examined from hatching until 63 days post-hatching (dph) using histological and histochemical techniques. At hatching, the heart appeared as a tubular structure which progressively developed into four differentiated regions at 2 dph: bulbus arteriosus, atrium, ventricle and sinus venosus. First ventricle and atrium trabeculae were appreciated at 6 and 26 dph, respectively. Primordial gill arches were evident at 2 dph. Primordial filaments and first lamellae were observed at 6 and 15 dph, respectively. At mouth opening (3dph), larvae exhausted their yolk-sac reserves. The pancreatic zymogen granules appeared at 6 dph. Glycogen granules, proteins and neutral lipids (vacuoles in paraffin sections) were detected in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes from 4-6 dph. Hepatic sinusoids could be observed from 9 dph. Pharyngeal and buccal teeth were observed at 9 and 15 dph, respectively. Oesophageal goblet cells appeared around 6 dph, containing neutral and acid mucosubstances. An incipient stomach could be distinguished at 2 dph. The first signs of gastric gland development were detected at 26 dph, increasing in number and size by 35-40 dph. Gastric glands were concentrated in the cardiac stomach region and presented a high content of protein rich in tyrosine, arginine and tryptophan. The intestinal mucous cells appeared at 15 dph and contained neutral and acid glycoconjugates, the carboxylated mucins being more abundant than the sulphated ones. Acidophilic supranuclear inclusions in the intestinal cells of the posterior intestine, related to pynocitosis of proteins, were observed at 4-6 dph.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subjectFish larvaees
dc.subject.other57 - Biologíaes
dc.titleLarval organogenesis of Pagrus pagrus L., 1758 with special attention to the digestive system developmentes
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.22, nº 7 (2007)

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