Histology and histopathology: Vol.22, nº11 (2007) : [12]  Estadísticas

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The Src homology 2 domain tyrosine phosphatases SHP1 and SHP2 diversified control of cell growth inflammation and injury.pdf.jpg2007-The Src homology 2 domain tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2: diversified control of cell growth, inflammation, and injury
Innervation of the canine mammary gland an immunohistochemical study.pdf.jpg2007-Innervation of the canine mammary gland: an immunohistochemical study
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Coexpression and prognostic value of gross cystic disease fluid protein 15 and mammaglobin in primary breast cancer.pdf.jpg2007-Co-expression and prognostic value of gross cystic disease fluid protein 15 and mammaglobin in primary breast cancer
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