Histology and histopathology: Vol.21, nº 2 (2006) : [11]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 11 de 11
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Molecular pathology of endometrial carcinoma Transcriptional signature in endometrioid tumors.pdf.jpg2006-Molecular pathology of endometrial carcinoma, Transcriptional signature in endometrioid tumors
Stress proteins expression in rat kidney and liver chronically exposed to aluminium sulphate.pdf.jpg2006-Stress proteins expression in rat kidney and liver chronically exposed to aluminium sulphate
Identification of gene networks modulated by activin in LBT2 cells using DNA microarray analysis.pdf.jpg2006-Identification of gene networks modulated by activin in LßT2 cells using DNA microarray analysis
Molecular alterations of monophasic synovial sarcoma loss of chromosome 3p does.pdf.jpg2006-Molecular alterations of monophasic synovial sarcoma: loss of chromosome 3p does not alter RASSF1 and MLH1 transcriptional activity
Antioxidant enzymes in renal cell carcinoma.pdf.jpg2006-Antioxidant enzymes in renal cell carcinoma
Expression and function of cell cycle proteins in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue.pdf.jpg2006-Expression and function of cell cycle proteins in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue
RhoB in cancer suppression.pdf.jpg2006-RhoB in cancer suppression
Detection of antimullerian hormone receptor II protein in the postnatal rat testis from birth to sexual maturity.pdf.jpg2006-Detection of anti-mullerian hormone receptor II protein in the postnatal rat testis from birth to sexual maturity
Immunocytochemical localization of metabotropic mGluR23 and mGluR4a and ionotropic GluR23.pdf.jpg2006-Immunocytochemical localization of metabotropic (mGluR2/3 and mGluR4a) and ionotropic (GluR2/3) glutamate receptors in adrenal medullary ganglion cells
Alterations of the cerebrospinal fluid proteins and subcommissural organ secretion in the arterial hypertension and ventricular dilatation. A.pdf.jpg2006-Alterations of the cerebrospinal fluid proteins and subcommissural organ secretion in the arterial hypertension and ventricular dilatation. A study in SHR rats
ATM gene expression is associated with differentiation and angiogenesis in infiltrating breast carcinomas.pdf.jpg2006-ATM gene expression is associated with differentiation and angiogenesis in infiltrating breast carcinomas
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