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dc.contributor.authorArvanitis, D.es
dc.contributor.authorKamper, E.F.es
dc.contributor.authorKopeikina, L.-
dc.contributor.authorStavridou, A.-
dc.contributor.authorSgantzos, M.-
dc.contributor.authorKallioras, V.-
dc.contributor.authorAthanassiou, E.D.-
dc.contributor.authorKanavaros, Panagiotis-
dc.description.abstractA i m s : The aim was to analyze the immunohistochemical localization of tetranectin in gastric adenocarcinomas and the adjacent tissues of the wall of the stomach. Methods and results: Forty cases of gastric adenocarcinomas were stained by the indirect immunoperoxidase method. Of the ten cases of mucinous signet ring cell carcinomas 5 showed high, 3 moderate and 2 low tetranectin expression. Of the ten cases of well-differentiated intestinal type adenocarcinomas (ITA) 4 showed moderate regional, 3 l ow regional and 3 nega t ive tetranectin expression. Of the ten cases of moderately-differentiated ITA 3 showed moderate regional, 4 low regional and 3 nega t ive tetranectin expression. Of the ten cases of poorlyd i fferentiated ITA 4 showed focal low and 6 nega t ive tetranectin expression. Overall, the mucinous signet ring carcinomas showed significantly higher tetranectin expression compared to ITA (c2=3.95, p<0.05). In contrast, no significant relationship was found between tetranectin expression and the degree of differentiation in I TA (c2=2.5, p>0.05). In all cases, the perineoplastic desmoplastic reactive stroma showed high expression of tetranectin intra- and extracellularly. The mast cells and goblet cells in the areas of intestinal metaplasia showed high tetranectin expression. C o n c l u s i o n s : This study s h ows that: a) tetranectin is produced and deposited extracellularly in the desmoplastic peritumoral stroma of i n filtrating gastric adenocarcinomas; b) tetranectin is more highly expressed by the mucinous signet ring cell carcinomas compared to ITA; and c) the amount of tetranectin produced by the ITA is unrelated with the degree of tumor differentiation.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicina::616 - Patología. Medicina clínica. Oncología::616.3 - Patología del aparato digestivo. Odontologíaes
dc.titleTetranectin expression in gastric adenocarcinomases
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.17, nº 2 (2002)

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