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dc.contributor.authorWollina, U.es
dc.contributor.authorLange, D.es
dc.contributor.authorPaus, R.-
dc.contributor.authorBurchert, M.-
dc.contributor.authorGabius, H.J.-
dc.description.abstractAlthough protein-carbohydrate interactions are supposed to play key roles in cell adhesion, signalling and growth control. Their exact role in skin physiology has only recently been investigated. The endogenous lectins galectin-l and galectin-3 have been identified in skin including hair follicles. Here, we analyzed the expression and distribution of these galectins and their binding sites in C57BL/6 mice during hair cycle. The expression of galectin-l and galectin-3 binding sites was found to be predominantly hair cycledependent showing some overlapping to the expression of galectin-l and -3. The outer root sheath (ORS) expressed galectin-l binding sites during anagen IV to V1 and in early catagen, whereas galectin-l was expressed from early anagen to late catagen. The ORS expressed galectin-3 binding sites during catagen transition corresponding to a galectin-3 expression during anagen V and catagen. The innermost layer of the ORS expressed galectin-3 binding sites during anagen V1 until catagen VIII, but galectin-3 during anagen I11 to IV and catagen. The inner root sheath (IRS) expressed galectin-3 binding sites only in anagen IV but missed expression of any of the two galectins. The matrix cells expressed galectin-3 binding sites in catagen 11-111 as well as galectin-3 during anagen V to catagen IV. The present study provides the first evidence for a cyclerelated expression of both galectin-l and -3 and their binding sites during murine hair cycle.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subjectHair cyclees
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicina::616 - Patología. Medicina clínica. Oncología::616.5 - Piel. Dermatología clínicaes
dc.titleExpression of galectin-l and -3 and of accessible binding sites during murine hair cyclees
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.15, nº 1 (2000)

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