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Título: Copper zinc and manganese superoxide dismutases in alcoholic liver disease: immunohistochemical quantitation
Fecha de publicación: 1996
Editorial: Murcia : F. Hernández
ISSN: 0213-3911
Materias relacionadas: CDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicina::616 - Patología. Medicina clínica. Oncología
Palabras clave: Superoxide dismutases
Alcohol toxicity
Resumen: Alcohol damage to the liver can, among other factors, be mediated through the action of toxic oxygen radicals generated by ethanol. Major antioxidants in the liver are copperlzinc and manganese superoxide dismutases (CuIZn- and Mn-SODS). In order to test whether SODS may be differentially expressed in alcoholic liver disease (ALD), biopsies from 45 patients with ALD were analyzed for qualitative and quantitative immunoreactivity of CuIZn- and Mn-SOD in hepatocytes. The overall amount of Cu/Zn-SOD reactivity was significantly lower in ALD than in control biopsies, whereas no difference was found for Mn-SOD. Staining for both enzymes was decreased in ballooned hepatocytes. Low Cu/Zn-SOD was correlated with advanced lattice-like perisinusoidal fibrosis. In hepatocytes forming cirrhotic nodules, SOD reactivity was similar to that of control cells. The results suggest that SODS may be differentially regulated in ALD, and that Mn-SOD, an inducible enzyme, may be involved in recovery and cell protection in ALD.
Autor/es principal/es: Zhao, M.
Matter, K.
Laissue, J.A.
Zimmermann, Astrid
Forma parte de: Histology and histopathology
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10201/18890
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Número páginas / Extensión: 9
Derechos: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.11, nº 4 (1996)

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