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dc.contributor.authorBraekevelt, Charlie R.es
dc.contributor.authorThorlakson, I.J.es
dc.description.abstractThe fine structure of the retinal epithelium (RPE), choriocapillaries and Bruch's membrane (complexus basalis) has been studied by light and electron microscopy in the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus). The RPE consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells joined laterally in the mid to basa1 region by a series of tight junctions forming part of the bloodocular barrier. Basally (sclerally) the epithelial cells show numerous deep infoldings while apically (vitreally) a wealth of microvillar processes interdigitate with the photoreceptor cells. Internally the RPE cells display a large vesicular nucleus, plentiful smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) and polysomes with only small scattered profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Numerous pleomorphic mitochondria are basally located. In the light-adapted state the melanosomes are located almost exclusively within the apical processes indicating retinomotor movements. Myeloid bodies are numerous and often show ribosomes on their outer surface. Bruch's membrane is typical of avian species in that it is pentalarninate and the lamina densa is displaced towards the choriocapillaris. The choriocapillaris itself is but minimally fenestrated facing Bruch's membrane. Most fenestrations present show a single layered diaphragm while others display a double-layered diaphragm.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyen_EN
dc.subjectElectron microscopyen_EN
dc.subjectRetinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)en_EN
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicinaes
dc.titleFine structure of the retinal pigment epithelium of the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)es
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol. 8, nº 1 (1993)

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