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dc.contributor.authorHee Kyung Ahnles
dc.contributor.authorHajime Hoshies
dc.contributor.authorKaeko Horie-
dc.contributor.authorHidetsugu Nagata-
dc.description.abstractOur previous studies showed that some antigenic and mitogenic substances, when locally injected into mice, efficiently produced new lymph follicles outside pre-exisiting follicles in draining lymph nodes, whereas others had virtually no effect. In the present experiments, young adult male mice were injected with several antigens and mitogens in the rear footpad, and the number and development sites of newly produced lymph follicles in the draining popliteal nodes were studied using serial sections of the nodes obtained between 5 and 21 days after injection. In the unstimulated state, each popliteal node contained a limited number of lymph follicles which mostly lay in a portion of the peripheral cortex overlaying the deep cortex (this portion is referred to as the PCOU), whereas a portion of the peripheral cortex extending beyond the deep cortex (referred to as the PCBU) was underdeveloped with only occasional follicles. Mice treated with soluble PHA or fluid tetanus toxoid developed germinal centers in association with existing follicles but failed to produce new follicles. The PCBU of the draining nodes remained underdeveloped, and the number and distribution pattern of lymph follicles within a draining node were comparable to those in the control node. Animals treated with LPS (50 pg). Con A, alum-precipitated PHA or alum-precipitated tetanus toxoid produced significantly large numbers of new follicles outside pre-existing follicles in the draining nodes, the new follicles produced in the PCBU being generally more numerous than those in the PCOU. In these draining nodes, the peripheral cortex, comprising a number of follicles, was found to overlie the deep cortex and extend beyond the deep cortex towards the hilar region. In animals given a less effective stimulant, such as ferritin or a smaller dose of LPS (10 pg), the draining nodes produced a relatively small number of new follicles, most of which were formed in the PCBU. The present results indicate that in the mouse popliteal node, the PCBU is morphologically underdeveloped under normal conditions. but develops lymph follicles in response to exogenous stimuli more readily than the PCOU, and that substances efficient in inducing follicle formation can be regarded as capable of stimulating the development of the peripheral cortex.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subjectLymph folliclees
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicinaes
dc.titleSites of lymph follicle formation in the draining popliteal lymph nodes of mice locally injected with antigenic and mitogenic substanceses
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol. 5, nº 4 (1990)

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