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dc.contributor.authorAl-Adnani, M. S.es
dc.contributor.authorTaylor, S.es
dc.contributor.authorAl-Bader, A.A.-
dc.contributor.authorAl-Zuhair, A.G.H.-
dc.contributor.authorMcGee, James O`D.-
dc.description.abstractForty four specimens from neoplastic, hyperplastic and normal human breast tissues were studied for localization of collagens and fibronectin. Affinity purified antihuman type I, I11 and IV collagens and antifibronectins were utilized by the indirect immunoperoxidase technique on fixed and paraffinembedded sections. 86% of the cell cytoplasm of infiltrating ductal and 83% of the lobular cancers were positively stained for collagen type I and 111. Collagen type IV, however, was detected in 100% of infiltrating ductal and 83% of lobular carcinomas. Focal cytoplasmic staining is a predominant feature for all antigens in the intraduct carcinoma while a diffuse pattern is encountered in the infiltrating types. Intact basement membranes in various lesions always stained for type IV collagen and showed variable staining for type I11 collagen and fibronectin. Epithelia of normal, benign, hyperplastic breast and most medullary carcinoma were negative for the three collagen types. Our results are in favour of the view that infiltrating breast carcinoma cells produce inappropriately the majority of collagens and inconsistently other proteins such as fibronectin.-
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subjectBreast neoplasmses
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicina::616 - Patología. Medicina clínica. Oncologíaes
dc.titlelmmunohistochemical localization of collagens and fibronectin in human breast neoplasmses
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol. 2, nº 3 (1987)

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