Histology and histopathology: Vol.20, nº 2 (2005) : [33]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 33
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
The signaling network of tumor invasion.pdf.jpg2005-The signaling network of tumor invasion
Standardization of bone marrow.pdf.jpg2005-Standardization of bone marrow features - does it work in hematopathology for histological discrimination of different disease patterns?
Response of the gut neuroendocrine system.pdf.jpg2005-Response of the gut neuroendocrine system of Leuciscus cephalus (L.) to the presence of Pomphorhynchus laevis Müller, 1776 (Acanthocephala)
Streptidine a metabolic.pdf.jpg2005-Streptidine, a metabolic derivative produced after administration of streptomycin in vivo, is vestibulotoxic in rats
Microtubules regulate aortic.pdf.jpg2005-Microtubules regulate aortic endothelial cell actin microfilament reorganization in intact and repairing monolayers
Expression pattern of cell cyclerelated.pdf.jpg2005-Expression pattern of cell cycle-related gene products in synovial stroma and synovial lining in active and quiescent stages of rheumatoid arthritis
Impairment of thrombospondin1.pdf.jpg2005-Impairment of thrombospondin-1 expression during epithelial wound healing in corneas of vitamin A-deficient mice
Photopigment coexpression in.pdf.jpg2005-Photopigment coexpression in mammals: comparative and developmental aspects
Functional aspects of the somatostatinergic.pdf.jpg2005-Functional aspects of the somatostatinergic system in the retina and the potential therapeutic role of somatostatin in retinal disease
Bioactive lysophospholipids and.pdf.jpg2005-Bioactive lysophospholipids and mesangial cell intracellular signaling pathways: role in the pathobiology of kidney disease
Immunodetection of aldose.pdf.jpg2005-Immunodetection of aldose reductase in normal and diseased human liver
Immunocytochemical developmental.pdf.jpg2005-Immunocytochemical developmental patterns of the thoracolumbar sympathetic chain in the chick and a comparison with its adrenal counterpart
Local immune response in serous.pdf.jpg2005-Local immune response in serous papillary carcinoma of the endometrium
Characterization of metaplastic and.pdf.jpg2005-Characterization of metaplastic and heterotopic epithelia in the human gastrointestinal tract by the expression pattern of acyl-CoA synthetase 5
Effects of single double or triple.pdf.jpg2005-Effects of single, double or triple combinations of octreotide, galanin and serotonin on a human pancreatic cancer cell line
Human and animal spongiform encephalopathies.pdf.jpg2005-Human and animal spongiform encephalopathies are the result of chronic autoimmune attack in the CNS: A novel medical theory supported by overwhelming experimental evidence
Xirradiation reduces lesion scarring at.pdf.jpg2005-X-irradiation reduces lesion scarring at the contusion site of adult rat spinal cord
NPY and TH innervation in.pdf.jpg2005-NPY and TH innervation in human choroidal whole-mounts
Nestin structure and predicted.pdf.jpg2005-Nestin structure and predicted function in cellular cytoskeletal organisation
Biochemical analysis and immunohistochemical.pdf.jpg2005-Biochemical analysis and immunohistochemical determination of cardiac troponin for the postmortem diagnosis of myocardial damage
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