Histology and histopathology: Vol.16, nº 2 (2001) : [34]  Estadísticas

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Crosstalk between RON receptor tyrosine.pdf.jpg2001-Cross-talk between RON receptor tyrosine kinase and other transmembrane receptors
Effect of diabetic state on colocalization of.pdf.jpg2001-Effect of diabetic state on co-localization of substance P and serotonin in the gut in animal models
Prolonged immobilizationinduced stress delays.pdf.jpg2001-Prolonged immobilization-induced stress delays alveolar bone healing. A histometric study in rats
The hepatocytes of the brown trout Salmo trutta f. fario.pdf.jpg2001-The hepatocytes of the brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario):A quantitative study using design-based stereology
The dynamics of cellular injury.pdf.jpg2001-The dynamics of cellular injury: transformation into neuronal and vascular protection
Early acquisition of bowel segmentspecific.pdf.jpg2001-Early acquisition of bowel segment-specific Bcl-2 homolog expression profiles during development of the human ileum and colon
Protein kinase CK2 signal in neoplasia.pdf.jpg2001-Protein kinase CK2 signal in neoplasia
lmmunohistochemical expression of the p53 mdm2.pdf.jpg2001-lmmunohistochemical expression of the p53, mdm2, p21/Waf-1, Rb, p16, Ki67, Cyclin DI, Cyclin A and Cyclin B1 proteins and apoptotic index in T-cell lymphomas
Immunocytohistochemical characterization of.pdf.jpg2001-Immunocytohistochemical characterization of pituitary cells of the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus L
Post translational activation of latent transforming.pdf.jpg2001-Post translational activation of latent transforming growth factor beta (L-TGF-O): clinical implications
Decrease in calcitonin and parathyroid.pdf.jpg2001-Decrease in calcitonin and parathyroid hormone mRNA levels and hormone secretion under long-term hypervitaminosis D3 in rats
The role of gicerin a novel cell adhesion.pdf.jpg2001-The role of gicerin, a novel cell adhesion molecule, in development, regeneration and neoplasia
Histological and histochemical observations in the.pdf.jpg2001-Histological and histochemical observations in the stomach of the Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis
The histochemical profiles of.pdf.jpg2001-The histochemical profiles of fibre types in porcine skeletal muscle
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