Histology and histopathology: Vol.16, nº 1 (2001) : [35]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 35
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A new morpho-functional classification of the Fallopian tu be based on its three-dimensional myoa.pdf.jpg2001-A new morpho-functional classification of the Fallopian tube based on its three-dimensional myoarchitecture
A salvianolic acid B-rich fraction of Salvia miltiorrhiza induces neointimal cell apoptosis in ra.pdf.jpg2001-A salvianolic acid 8-rich fraction of Sa/via miltiorrhiza induces neointimal cell apoptosis in rabbit angioplasty model
Isoforms of Na KATPase in human prostate specificity of expression and apical membrane polarization.pdf.jpg2001-Isoforms of Na+, K+-ATPase in human prostate; specificity of expression and apical membrane polarization
TIMP1 promotes VEGFinduced neovascularization in the retina.pdf.jpg2001-TIMP-1 promotes VEGF-induced neovascularization in the retina
Vasculature of the normal and arthritic synovial joint.pdf.jpg2001-Vasculature of the normal and arthritic synovial joint
Farnesyltransferase inhibitors define a role for RhoB in controlling neoplastic pathophysiology.pdf.jpg2001-Farnesyltransferase inhibitors define a role for RhoB in controlling neoplastic pathophysiology
Effects of neonatal diethylstilbestrol exposure on cfos and cjun protooncogene expression in the mouse uterus.pdf.jpg2001-Effects of neonatal diethylstilbestrol exposure on c-fos and c-jun protooncogene expression in the mouse uterus
Detection of altered retinoic acid receptor expression in tissue sections using in situ hybridization.pdf.jpg2001-Detection of altered retinoic acid receptor expression in tissue sections using in situ hybridization
lnhibited differentiation of Langerhans cells in the rat epidermis upon systemic treatment with cyclosporin A.pdf.jpg2001-lnhibited differentiation of Langerhans cells in the rat epidermis upon systemic treatment with cyclosporin A
Myenteric plexus of obese diabetic mice an animal model of human type 2 diabetes.pdf.jpg2001-Myenteric plexus of obese diabetic mice (an animal model of human type 2 diabetes)
Molecular medicine of TFFpeptides from gut to brain.pdf.jpg2001-Molecular medicine of TFF-peptides: from gut to brain
Bone marrow engraftment histopathology of hematopoietic reconstitution following allogeneic transplantation in CML patients.pdf.jpg2001-Bone marrow engraftment: histopathology of hematopoietic reconstitution following allogeneic transplantation in CML patients
Nuclear envelope organization in papillary thyroid carcinoma.pdf.jpg2001-Nuclear envelope organization in papillary thyroid carcinoma
The histogenesis of giant cell tumour of bone a model of interaction between neoplastic cells and osteoclasts.pdf.jpg2001-The histogenesis of giant cell tumour of bone: a model of interaction between neoplastic cells and osteoclasts
Photodynamic therapy shedding light on the biochemical pathways regulating porphyrinmediated cell death.pdf.jpg2001-Photodynamic therapy: shedding light on the biochemical pathways regulating porphyrin-mediated cell death
Histopathological changes in avian kidney caused by Bothrops insularis jararaca ilhoa venom and a phospholipase A2containing fraction.pdf.jpg2001-Histopathological changes in avian kidney caused by Bothrops insularis (jararaca ilhoa) venom and a phospholipase A2-containing fraction
The fibronexus in reactive and tumoral myofibroblasts further characterisation by electron microscopy.pdf.jpg2001-The fibronexus in reactive and tumoral myofibroblasts: further characterisation by electron microscopy
Hepatocyte growth factor activators inhibitors and antagonists and their implication in cancer intervention.pdf.jpg2001-Hepatocyte growth factor activators, inhibitors and antagonists and their implication in cancer intervention
Pax genes in development and maturation of the vertebrate visual system Implications for optic nerve regeneration.pdf.jpg2001-Pax genes in development and maturation of the vertebrate visual system: Implications for optic nerve regeneration
Counts and areas of S100positive epidermal dendritic cells in atypical molluscum contagiosum affecting HIV patients.pdf.jpg2001-Counts and areas of S-100-positive epidermal dendritic cells in atypical molluscum contagiosum affecting HIV+ patients
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