Histology and histopathology: Vol.15, nº 2 (2000) : [37]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 37
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Expression of ckit and kitligand in benign and malignant prostatic tissues.pdf.jpg2000-Expression of c-kit and kit-ligand in benign and malignant prostatic tissues
Prolonged kallikrein inhibition does not affect the basal growth and secretory capacity of rat adrenal cortex but enhances mineralo and.pdf.jpg2000-Prolonged kallikrein inhibition does not affect the basal growth and secretory capacity of rat adrenal cortex, but enhances mineralo- and glucocorticoid response to ACTH and handling stress
Mineralization of human premolar occlusal fissures. A quantitative histochemical microanalysis.pdf.jpg2000-Mineralization of human premolar occlusal fissures. A quantitative histochemical microanalysis
Characterization of inflammatory reaction in upper airways of cystic fibrosis patients.pdf.jpg2000-Characterization of inflammatory reaction in upper airways of cystic fibrosis patients
Effects of ethanol on the ultrastructure of the hamster thyroid Ccell.pdf.jpg2000-Effects of ethanol on the ultrastructure of the hamster thyroid C-cell
The morphology of mesangial cells cultured at high density and in collagen gels.pdf.jpg2000-The morphology of mesangial cells cultured at high density and in collagen gels
Freezefracture cytochemistrya new fracturelabeling method for topological analysis of biomembrane molecules.pdf.jpg2000-Freeze-fracture cytochemistry,a new fracture-labeling method for topological analysis of biomembrane molecules
Foreign seruminduced bile duct lesion BDL in athymic BALBIc nude mice.pdf.jpg2000-Foreign serum-induced bile duct lesion BDL in athymic BALBIc nude mice
Schwann cell extracellular matrix molecules and their receptors.pdf.jpg2000-Schwann cell extracellular matrix molecules and their receptors
Linkage between cell membrane proteins and actinbased cytoskeleton the cytoskeletaldriven cellular functions.pdf.jpg2000-Linkage between cell membrane proteins and actin-based cytoskeleton the cytoskeletal-driven cellular functions
Duodenal endocrine cells in mice with particular regard to ageinduced changes.pdf.jpg2000-Duodenal endocrine cells in mice with particular regard to age-induced changes
Role of diffusible and transcription factors in inner ear development implications in regeneration.pdf.jpg2000-Role of diffusible and transcription factors in inner ear development, implications in regeneration
Neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate MSG structure of the TSHimmunoreactive pituitary cells.pdf.jpg2000-Neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate MSG structure of the TSH-immunoreactive pituitary cells
Are hyaluronan receptors involved in threedimensional cell migration..pdf.jpg2000-Are hyaluronan receptors involved in three-dimensional cell migration.
Vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases.pdf.jpg2000-Vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases
Pathophysiology of primary hyperparathyroidism.pdf.jpg2000-Pathophysiology of primary hyperparathyroidism
A case study of ligation induced calcification in middle cerebral artery in rat.pdf.jpg2000-A case study of ligation induced calcification in middle cerebral artery in rat
lnterferons and cell growth control.pdf.jpg2000-lnterferons and cell growth control
A morphological study of the brain of Solea senegalensis. l. The telencephalon.pdf.jpg2000-A morphological study of the brain of Solea senegalensis. l. The telencephalon
Histochemical study of apoptotic epithelial cells depending on testosterone in primary cultured rat prostatic tissues.pdf.jpg2000-Histochemical study of apoptotic epithelial cells depending on testosterone in primary cultured rat prostatic tissues
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